Sunday, October 26, 2014

FFRF Will Distribute XXX Rated Anti-Bible Literature At Fla School

The ongoing Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) battle against the Bible is going into a new phase: they will distribute obscene literature in Florida's Orange County Distric, which includes Orlando. The FFRF is incensed that the school district allowed distribution of Bibles to students, apparently while banning Atheist literature. The court battle ceased when the school district decided to allow all religious pamphlets to be distributed. This opportunity was seized upon by both the Satanists and FFRF.

But FFRF's tactic is new. Their pamphlet is obscene. This will allow them to win in one of two ways: allow the trash to be presented to students, or, get all materials banned completely (more probable).

Either way FFRF has won.

Here is the frontispiece for their pamphlet:


Steven Satak said...

John Wright has nailed it, as usual. They want to destroy innocence. They cannot abide its existence, because compared to it, they appear as they really are. Corrupt, foul things railing in thin, reedy voices against all that is decent and true.

They disgust me, and what is worse, they revel in that disgust, trying with every breath to cover the world in despair.

As Bob Dylan sang, you gotta serve somebody. I have no doubt which Master they serve, but I will not be sucked into the abyss with them. Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do. But give us the strength to fight them here, in this testing ground, this forge of souls.

I will not see them win.

Phoenix said...

It's time to up the ante.We should expose the horrors that Atheism has produced and they did it without the book they hate the most.

For starters,I find it a bit disappointing that there's not enough information on the "GREATEST MASS RAPE IN HISTORY",where the Red Army (consisted of Atheists and Agnostics) raped more than 2 million German females between the ages of 8 years - 80 years old.I made an amateur clip on you tube a few years back but what's real shocking is the comments.It's not uncommon for Atheists to be incapable of empathy.

Rikalonius said...

Anyone who has spent five minutes discussing any topic with an ardent Atheist has seen how incapable of empathy they are. While berating you as stupid and evil, they are talking who needs to die in order to fix the problems. Usually that means all Christians.

Stan. Did you see the Pope has come out for evolution. I know its been their default position for a while, but I was surprised by his admission. So just like the early 17th Century when the Catholic Church held dogmatically to a 1400 old pagan ideology on celestial mechanics, it is once again going on record supporting the "settled science."

Anonymous said...

I think the Roman Catholic Church also recently said that Jesus isn't coming back.

Phoenix said...

The Catholic church has a history of favoring popular scientific hypotheses.During the middle ages the Church taught secular Aristotelian natural philosophy in their universities even though Aristotle was a terrible scientist (but brilliant logician).
Take the Galileo incident where the Church defended Geocentrism (an ancient greek and egyptian model) because it was the best explanation of the cosmos during that era.

It's ironic that Atheists cry foul when the Church defended their popular and secular theories yet Atheists do exactly the same today with regards to Darwinism.