Saturday, November 1, 2014

Another Hemant Mehta Lie

The Friendly Atheist, Hemant Mehta:
These Elementary School Students Can Get Free Shoes… but Only If They Accept the Bible, Too
"We include a Christian New Testament in every box of shoes we deliver. Our mission is to provide properly fitting shoes and socks to children in desperate need. The Bibles are a bonus and are not an attempt to proselytize, they’re merely our way of sharing hope with all we encounter.
[Hemant's quote from "Shoes 4 Shoeless"].

Riiiiight. A bonus gift no one asked for… but whatever. It’s their organization. They can do whatever they want.

The problem is when they make appearances at public schools to give away socks and shoes… and Bibles. Which they’ve been doing at several districts in the Dayton, Ohio area.

Given the age of the students, there’s every reason to believe they’d be coerced into accepting the shoes (and Jesus) or at the very least think their schools are promoting Christianity. This seems like a very blatant violation of church/state separation and could result in a lawsuit against the districts."
It's true what some Atheists say: "Character development is just too hard for some people".

Mehta has lied in the title. Perhaps he needs more pageviews. But it is a blatant lie, for whatever reason. While he admits in his text that the title is not true (it's a bonus gift), he goes on to complain about coercion which he fantasizes, and as always, church and state separation, which means Atheist-only government and government schools. That's pretty much what we have right now, and it is riding us down into the abyss. But never mind that, the point is to NOT allow any documents into the hands of school children which show a different way of life, especially a way of life with actual moral guidelines. They might develop character. And comprehend what a lie is.

And then, speaking of coercion, Mehta records the FFRF attack. And he jumps to the conclusion that the only reason that Shoes 4 Shoeless exists is for proselytism. He has no such evidence; his presumption is that the Other is evil because it is the Other. So he suggests that Atheists give shoes. Why are they not already doing this? Because Atheists are notoriously stingy.


Anonymous said...

Right up this alley, this is an entry from the blog Atheists Say the Nuttiest Things from last year:

Another Hollow Victory for Atheists

Apparently, a school canceled Operation Christmas Child last year because some stupid parent complained to the American (in)Humanist Association. Unbelievable.

Rikalonius said...


Have you seen this:

I'll bet the FFRF won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link:

Marine Dad objects to Islam Homework, banned from school

I agree with you. That double standard isn't looked at enough in this country.

Stan said...

For the AtheoLeft, that is not a double standard. They approve of the Islam teachings because they are the same or similar to the worldview of AtheoLeftists in these important regards: World domination, using whatever tactics are necessary; unmitigated hatred for Christians and Jews; the use of class systems to define themselves and the Oppressors (the Other). Further, both consider themselves the moral elites, and all others to be consummately evil.

There are differences: The AtheoLeft mistakenly promotes Islam as a Victimhood Group; Islam will destroy the AtheoLeft on its first opportunity.

Rikalonius said...

Or the other way around. The Russians linked up with the Islamic radicals to overthrow the Western friendly government in Afghanistan. Once they were no longer needed the Atheo-Left commies turned on them starting a war which is still being felt 3/4 of a century later.

Stan said...

Yes, you are right. I was thinking locally, about the U.S. profs and pols and corporate cronies and I ignored the global Atheists. China is involved in eradicating Islamists, too. The west is protecting them and abandoning its borders.

Unknown said...

Of course, to the atheist any positive mention of religion is tantemount to unconstitutional religious coercion. No sexual taboo is too explicit for public dialog, but just mention the name of Jesus within earshot of a public forum and watch the anti-religion police come crashing down on your theocratic ways.

And still, not an atheist soup kitchen or hospital in sight.