Monday, November 3, 2014

Atheist Morals, Redux

Another take on Atheist anti-morality comes to mind.

For the Atheist, sin is not evil. For the Atheist there is no objective moral code and no moral authority for giving any objective moral. Hence, there IS no sin.

It is the very concept of sin which is evil. The concept represents outside restraint; but for the Atheist there is to be no restraint, either external or internal, certainly not based on the evil concept of an objective moral code (sin).

Rather there is an entire spectrum of acceptable behaviors from which the Atheist may choose. This is proven by Kinsey's study on the spectrum of totally acceptable sexuality, and a corresponding spectrum also applies to all behaviors available to Atheists.

However, the concept of restraint falls outside the spectrum of acceptable behaviors because it attempts to restrict the spectrum; this is unacceptable because the spectrum of acceptable behaviors is sacrosanct to Atheism. The concept of restraint is thus "discriminatory", and therefore "intolerant", violating two (or more) of the Atheist rights to "freedom" and "personal privacy". Not to mention the Atheist right not to ever see any objective morality display.

Therefore, promoting the concept of behavior restraint (objective morality) is evil; it must be eliminated, as Dawkins promises to do.

Never forget: Dawkins can see no moral issue with what Hitler did.

There is NO Universal Moral Code for Atheists, except the all-inclusive Spectrum of Acceptable Behaviors.

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

I found an interesting piece of info over at

First they concede this :Atheism does not lead inevitably to any particular moral position..."

Which confirms what Stan's been saying all along.Atheism has no morals attached to it.

But then they offer a popular attractive alternative which is "humanist morality".So I clicked on the link and found a set of eight moral principles based on the golden rule.And directly below was another alternative "Biological evolution of morality".

The two seem to contradict each other.GR is universal and unconditional while Biological evolution implies subjective morality.