Sunday, November 9, 2014

Evolution As A Bumper Sticker

Found at a site chock full of self-congratulatory bumper sticker Atheist "truths" which are not true at all:
"We do not know all there is to know about evolution. A great deal more remains to be learned, but as more data are added, the theory itself evolves. The theory of evolution does not need the approval of the fundamentalists, and no scientific theory is validated by ratification. Truth does not give way for legislation or flights of fancy. The evidence is out there in the world of nature for all who are not blinded by religious preconceptions. Biologists, whose job it is to study life, have no doubt that evolution has occurred and is occurring, for evolution is a scientific theory that explains the facts."
I left comments on a number of the slogans at the site, but I brought this one over here because it is so breathlessly false.

Evolution is not a theory, if a theory is explanatory in the sense of providing objective knowledge. Evolution as started out culturally by Darwin was based solely on story-telling to abductively retrofit his hypothesis to his inductive observations. Evolution still, after 150 years, is based solely on story telling, albeit the stories have had to change, because the hypotheses were unsustainable. Even today there are a flurry of new hypotheses which have been projected by the Altenberg 16, a group of elites who knew that the existing "Modern Synthesis" could not account for modern observations, specifically in the fossil record.

Further, the author of this paean to evolution makes internal contradictions right off the bat:
"no scientific theory is validated by ratification."
"Biologists, whose job it is to study life, have no doubt that evolution has occurred..."
His Appeal To Authority Fallacy is accompanied by the obvious non-coherence: biologists ratify HIS side of the story telling.

Next is this:
"Truth does not give way for legislation or flights of fancy."
Two errors, one sentence. Evolution has required Federal Court Protection because it does not stand on its own by producing objective proof of its story claims. The entire basis for evolution is Flights of Fancy: stories made up to connect two observations without the slightest cause/effect objective, experimental proof. Belief in the story telling is required; it consists of enforced Flights of Fancy.
"evolution is a scientific theory that explains the facts."
This is the next Internal Contradiction/Non-coherence in his short series of claims. If the theory explains the facts, the theory would not need to be radically overhauled.

The admission by elite biologists that the Modern Synthesis could not explain the facts is the reason that the "Extended Modern Synthesis" is now the theory, and this new approach has all but completely rejected the original Darwinist "variation and selection" theory, the Modern Synthesis "mutation and selection" theory, has virtually eliminated "selection" from the stories, and has jumped into new stories based on frail hypotheses including epigenetics, landscapes, chaos theory and so forth. These new Just So Stories do not represent explanations for facts, either. They represent desperate attempts to recover evolution from its failure to explain, by adding unproven theories as causation in order to fill the gap - raw desperation philosophies of the gaps, as it were.

All this is meaningless to Atheists, who do not study evolution. It needs no study because it is an article of faith for Atheism.


Rikalonius said...

Evolutionary Theory is BS (bumper sticker)

Phoenix said...

Biologists, whose job it is to study life, have no doubt that evolution has occurred and is occurring, for evolution is a scientific theory that explains the facts.

Atheists are infamous for placing enormous emphasis on the importance of doubt.But just don't doubt their beliefs or you'll be labeled evil as Dawkins once said.