Counties That Adopt “In God We Trust” Resolutions Are “Poor, Uneducated, and Overwhelmingly White"Take a close look at the data he posts, and the numbers on the far right: they are not false, but they are highly prejudical. The difference between 9.3% and 11% is 1.7%... UNLESS you divide one percentage by the other. When you do that you get pure prejudice: one may divide 0.002% by 0.001% and get 200% which is mathematically correct, but the actual difference is 0.001% which is trivial.
"In God We Trust ~ America, Inc. is the organization dedicated to putting up religious plaques all around the country .
It turns out they’ve done quite well: Nearly 400 cities and counties have approved their sample resolution, putting up “In God We Trust” signs in government buildings.
Hank Sims, writing for the Lost Coast Outpost, decided to analyze the 77 counties (rather than cities, presumably so there’s no overlap) that have adopted the resolution to discover what they have in common. Turns out God’s Country, his name for the collection of 77 counties, leaves a lot to be desired:
The kind of county that adopts this resolution is poor, uneducated and overwhelmingly white."
Hemant Mehta has asserted just one thing: his own racist, classist underpinnings. Not to mention mathematical illiteracy in pursuit of his agenda.
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