"“If we allow black lives to be killed so effortlessly in Ferguson, then nothing I ever did before really mattered,”Effortlessly? The officer whose brain pan was crushed by Brown "effortlessly" killed his assailant?
DeRay McKesson, Ferguson Protest Fomentor
It is abundantly clear that the blacks indulging themselves in revenge are not in the remotest affected by facts. It's not a black assailant, it's a black victim-by-definition. It's not a white victim of a black assailant, it's a white Aggressor Class assailant-by-definition of an innocent-by-definition black Victim Class person.
A black Victim Class person, who by virtue of his race is incapable of doing wrong and whose actions against the Oppressor Class assailant-by-definition are, by class definition, justified; he is always and forever a victim.
These people who think only in terms of class (and race) have been created by the burgeoning Left, undoubtedly taught social justice in their government school "education". They are entitled because they are the Victims of Social INJustice. It gives them a faux moral base for outrage and vengeance when they are prevented from doing whatever occurs to them, whether lawless or not. So burning Ferguson in order to preserve their faux moral outrage becomes a moral imperative, a moral necessity to which they are morally entitled by Social Justice.
When Social Justice is the only morality that exists in a segment of the population, then perpetual outrage is the necessary effect if obedience to outside laws is expected of them. They are entitled by Social Justice, by their Victimhood Classification, to their anarchy because laws are the weapons of the Oppressor Class, the enemy. They have been convinced of the righteousness of their lawlessness by their Messiah Class fomentors, who also are immune to laws.
Two of the three classes which have been created for the culture wars are completely intellectually and morally outside the law. They have invested themselves with a righteousness such that was previously reserved for deity. They cannot be wrong. It is because they cannot be wrong that they, alone, determine what is Right and Wrong for the Other class - the Oppressor Class. And it is therefore the laws of the Oppressor Class which are immoral since they clash with the righteous anarchy of the Messiah and Victim Classes.
The Victim Class Crusaders have no long term vision; they are enthralled with their self-righteous crusade to preserve the anarchy of their class as a morally righteous entitlement. Their historical ignorance prevents them from realizing their own permanent captivity by the Messiahs and by their own suppression into the state of brutish, lawless, irrational barbarism. Their actual enemy is not civilization and the rule of law; their actual enemy is the Messiah Class.
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