Sunday, November 2, 2014

Valerie Solanas, Feminist of the '60's

Are all feminists psychopaths? Or just those who get analyzed? Here is a feminist that I hadn't heard of before, despite her notoriety due to shooting Andy Warhol and two others in 1968. (She's a lousy shot). She wrote a feminist manifesto as does every feminist, this one entitled SCUM. The title has two meanings, the obvious reference to all men, and the real meaning which was "Society for Cutting Up Men". Which she meant literally, not metaphorically.

Solanas actually formed a S.C.U.M. society which met for a while. That apparently had a hiatus while Solanas was in lock-up for her triple shooting. She was psychoanalyzed as paranoid schizophrenic. According to Wikipedia,
"Solanas begins by presenting a theory of the male as an "incomplete female" who is genetically deficient due to the Y chromosome.[34] According to Solanas, this genetic deficiency causes the male to be emotionally limited, egocentric, and incapable of mental passion or genuine interaction. She describes the male as lacking empathy and unable to relate to anything apart from his own physical sensations.[35] The manifesto continues by arguing that the male spends his life attempting to become female, and thereby overcome his inferiority. He does this by "constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live though and fuse with the female." Solanas rejects Freud's theory of penis envy, and argues that men have "pussy envy". Solanas then accuses men of turning the world into a "shitpile" and presents a long list of grievances.[36]"
Men don't seem to be too concerned at being blanket psychoanalyzed by a certified paranoid schizophrenic, and have not taken to heart her threat to cut them all up. (She did effectively destroy Warhol's life, though)

Still, the same beat echos throughout much of today's feminism which is filled with hate for men and eliminationist rhetoric. It seems to be necessary for feminists due to the self-perception of personal weakness and hugely magnified fear of rape, yet with self-unaware self-aggrandizement and pompous moralizing by class. Feminists are at once pitiful Victims and valorous Messiahs.

Some men sidle up and attempt to become white knights to the pitiful Victims, but wind up being despised by both the Victim/Messiahs and the Oppressor/men.

It has been observed that feminism is an affectation which can exist only in a prosperous society, sated sufficiently to be tolerant of, well, too much. When the going gets rough, feminism and its whines will not be heard because they are trivial in reality. The irony is that when feminism gets its tendrils into government and academia, it brings on the rough going which will properly trivialize it. It is self-destructive. But only after leaving a wake of destruction behind. Academic institutions are about to find that out.

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