Friday, December 5, 2014

Driving Us Into Emotional Isolation: The Leftist War on Childen

Back in the bad ol' days, when the fraudulent psychological ruse, "repressed memories", was being used to persecute men who had been in the presence of adolescent children, I actually had some fear about baby sitting with my own grand-daughters. Psychologists were extracting false memories of childhood abuse from disturbed women, and it was generally men who paid the price. That was professional fraud in action.

Now that Feminists "know" that all men are rapists, abusers, and molesters, and have impressed that onto the culture, the phenomenon of men avoiding children has again arisen, to the detriment of the children. It has been shown that a child's relationships and environment during the first 5 to 7 years of life sets a bit in the child's permanent psyche, one that underlies the child's future person.

Men must of necessity never be alone with a child; any accusations will destroy him, regardless of their truth value.
Turning all adults into panto villains

"Increasingly adults experience their dealings with children as stilted, fraught, and as putting themselves at risk of false accusations. Perversely, it becomes more moral to maintain a studied distance in encounters with children: to not hug them; to not ask their name; to not want to go anywhere near them; to behave as if one does not like children and is not interested in them (‘stop him doing that’).

In some people, this sentiment can become something verging on an actual hostility towards, or dislike of, children. For Blair, it is clear he is hanging up his costumes in sadness rather than resentment. He is saying: if I can’t relate to children in a normal and affectionate manner, then I don’t want to do it. This amounts to a refusal to continue with the self-policing and stilted forms of conduct that are now required. Blair said: ‘I thought if that’s it, and I can’t touch kids or give them a hug, then no – I don’t want to do it any more. It is dreadful.’

His act of withdrawal could also be seen as a protest, and a defence of the ordinary caring relations between adults and children. It is a loss to young crowds this Christmas, but if we take heed, then the panto might not be cancelled in vain."
Now that we know that women can rape, and thanks to Lena Dunham, that women can and do sexually abuse children, even women must be careful about coming too close to children, especially those not their own. The emotional damage to children will become obvious in the next generation of adults: perhaps they will ALL be RadFems and their male toadies.

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