Saturday, December 27, 2014

In Minneapolis Schools, Whites are to be Segregated For Easy Suspension

Minneapolis Schools Now Racially Segregate Discipline

"In a prima facie violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Minneapolis School Board has decided to begin segregating their students into two different categories – white, and everyone else. If teachers and administrators want to suspend a white student, there will be no questions asked. But if they dare attempt to suspend a “student of color,” the act will be reviewed by the school district superintendent and “her leadership team.” BringMeTheNews reports:

The move comes after Minneapolis’ suspension policies have been under increased scrutiny from civil rights officials inside the U.S Department of Education and also follows a moratorium on suspensions of pre-kindergartners, kindergarteners and first graders that Johnson says has reduced suspensions by 50 percent.

She predicts reviews of suspended students of color could reduce them by a further 50 percent by 2016, telling the Tribune: “It’s about reducing disproportionality of student suspensions.

“Changing the trajectory for our students of color is a moral and ethical imperative, and our actions must be drastically different to achieve our goal of closing the achievement gap by 2020.”
In other words, the rules have to be relaxed for non-whites just to keep them from being punished clear out of school and onto the streets.

Instead of racial discrimination, there should be an incarceration school for incorrigible offenders of a single set of standard rules: violators are not released onto the streets, they are instead incarcerated into detention schools from which they cannot escape except through lengthy good behaviors. Expulsion from the detention school would place the offender into the judicial system for placement into the age-proper prison. If they can't be socialized, they should be off the streets, period.

This type of capitulation to the anarchy of barbarians is unacceptable.

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