Monday, December 8, 2014

More Feminist War on Men

The College Rape Overcorrection

"Assertions of injustice by young men are infuriating to some. Caroline Heldman, an associate professor of politics at Occidental College and co-founder of End Rape on Campus, said of the men who are turning to the courts, “These lawsuits are an incredible display of entitlement, the same entitlement that drove them to rape.” "
Feminists must be purged from university positions: they are anti-justice, anti-rational, as well as anti-male.

But there is a reason for this irrational desperation:
"Does Contemporary Feminism Need Campus Rape to Survive?"

"The illustrious Mother Jones reports opinion contemporary feminists thrive on:
However, recent research shows that the broad contours of the environment described at UVA—where women report widespread sexual assault with no consequences for perpetrators—is not unique on America’s college campuses. As one expert told RS contributing editor Sabrina Rubin Erdely, “the depressing reality is that UVA’s situation is likely the norm.”
Except for the fact that we now know the “UVA situation” was a lie. And if you’re worth your weight as a scientist or statistician, your “norm” can’t be based on a lie. Therefore, neither can your “depressing reality” no matter how “broad contours” you stroke into the picture you are painting. (“Pretty little contours,” Bob Ross instructs.) And when it comes to the 1 in 5 undergraduate women are sexually abused stat, you’re talking some of the broadest strokes imaginable in both execution and interpretation. (“Pretty little lies,” Bob Ross chimes in.)


Worse yet, how much of this skewed data is being used to further the personal careers of many a celebrity anxious to use the word “feminism” to define their brand or “brand” feminism itself? No doubt Lena Dunham and her publisher anticipated that by including an unverifiable, vague campus rape story that matched infographic data to a “T” she’d have a guaranteed bestseller. Why, exactly, do contemporary feminists care so much about campus rape again?"
In a Leftist universe (universities), irrational and exhibitionist radicalism pays well.

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