Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Naming the Rape Accusers?

At first I was suspicious of this idea. But then the idea of being accused anonymously, if false, and allowing the real perpetrator to walk free is unacceptable. Plus it is inequitable in the world which demands absolute equality in all things sexual.

So yes, the rape accuser should be named. But not just that. If the accused is not convicted in an official court of law (not a campus kangaroo court run by feministas) then the accuser should be charged with false accusation and attempted destruction of her intended target.

I think that in today's twisted judicial processes which are canted against the accused before any facts are discovered, the field should be leveled such that the accused is presumed innocent once again, can face his accuser, and can be convicted only on objective factual evidence.

Does this tilt too far away from victim's rights? It depends on who the victim actually is. But it would encourage college women to stay sober, be rational, and keep their panties on. And the same goes for the college men.

Unfortunately, feminism today demands the right of women to get drunk and stupid and too impaired to be vigilant for predators. It also encourages revenge, in the form of post-sexual accusations against the "privileged" male who is always their target. So males need to watch for predators also: feminists are everywhere.

Long gone is any advice to keep one's pants zipped. Much less monogamous relationships. Those things interfere with "freedom", aka moral anarchy. And of course, that's the real problem.

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