Saturday, December 6, 2014

The War On Christmas: Stunningly Irrational

The annual Atheist War on Christianity, Christmas edition, is underway. This year the issue is "Why won't Christians share Christmas?"

Let that sink in for a moment. That's long enough. Christmas is Christ Mass, a religious holiday. Atheism is both a-religious, and rabidly Anti-Religion. Let that sink in for a moment. That's long enough. Any rational mind would apprehend the internal contradiction of this American Atheist demand immediately. But not Atheists, apparently.

There is no shop, store, mall or on-line market which keeps Atheists from buying presents for each other, putting up trees or cactus or whatever they want to decorate, and eating turkey or crow or whatever they want to eat on December 25. The demand to share is beyond absurd. They are totally free to mimic whatever and whoever they want, whenever they want.

And yet. They apparently think that the accusation of "not sharing" the religious holiday places them firmly into a Victimhood Group of some sort, with a warning that they "feel" abused and possibly afflicted with the gastric distress that Silverman commonly claims.

Bogus. Entirely bogus, transparently bogus, adolescently bogus. They appear to be quite desperate and out of useful material.

Witness this rant from Silverman:
"The hypocrisy is unbelievable,” said American Atheists President David Silverman. “Millions of American children are forced to go to church under the threat of being denied meals, losing household privileges, having their college tuition cut off, or being kicked out of their homes. Many atheist adults are forced to go to church under threat of divorce or lose custody of their children. We must ask the question, who are the real bullies? Those who are unafraid to stand up for our views on billboards, or those who destroy families from the inside out?”"
Factually, Silverman is quite challenged; emotionally, he is distraught; intellectually is mad hatter insane. If there has ever been a threat to the family, it is the AtheoLeftist cabal in the federal education program, the federal welfare program, and the AtheoLeftist portion of Congress, the Judiciary, and the Executive Branch. Silverman is losing his grip, and it is obvious to even the casual observer.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

It's things like this that make me want to go out and commit microaggression mayhem with the Godless.

Then I realize they're Godless. They'd get it and be pissed, but would not change because of their self-appointed superiority. And I would be giving into the temptation of arrogance.

So. I answer them back when their self-inflicted stupidity is too brazen even for me. Otherwise, I leave them alone. As if life weren't short enough...