Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Why Feministas Need Rape

Over at Salon, Valerie Tarico claims that Christianity (amongst others) is based on the rape of Mary. Rape is the essence of Feminism and the feminist hatred of men, Christians, all other religions, and probably themselves. As Ace of Spades points out:
"You may wonder why feminists never stop writing about rape.

The answer is simple: Minus rape, feminism stands exposed as a trivial lists of complaints -- women not "empowered" enough in TV shows, Liz Lemon selling out the sisterhood on 30 Rock, Negative Body Image You Guys in the media, etc.

Minus rape, feminism is rather too obviously a list of trivial complaints by comfortable yet hysterical semi-affluent white women.

So they always are struggling to bring rape up as a topic, because it's obviously more serious than the six millionth whine that Men Expect Too Much Regarding Make-Up and Beauty Myth You Guys.

And that's it. It's the "serious" veneer slapped upon a very silly and trivial channeling of personal anxieties and hysterias into an alleged "politics."
In any other culture, feminists would be ridiculed into non-existence. Their dependence upon, but hatred of the other sex is a totally trivial psychosis, except in a self-destructive culture which actually looks for reasons to hate itself.

It's the same with a student at $60,000 per year Brandeis University who wants to burn the country down and hates cops. Who actually cares what a hot house psycho thinks, except in a culture bent on social suicide?

In today's post-rational, feelings-only world it is necessary to elevate oneself not by accomplishment - that's so white-male-patriarchy-racist - but by asserting moral authority over the evil Other and the self-endowed moral mission of providing salvation for the Victims of the evil Other. They are crusaders, on white stallions, fighting barbarians. In their minds.

Rape is "Othering". Men are Othered by calling them rapists from a wobbly promontory of moral pretension and intellectual vacuity. Whites are Othered by calling them racists from a similar self-righteous pinnacle. All humans who use fossil fuel, ditto. All farmers, all corporations, all generators of prosperity and democracy are now Others.

While those who are "othered" might complain about the irrationality involved, it is apparent that rationality is not even on the radar screen for those who "other" the objects of their hate. Their assertion of self-righteous indignation is completely self-absorbing, all encompassing, and constitutes the complete extent of their personal essences. It's all they have; it's all they are, they are nothing else.

In a sane culture, their vacant personas would be ignored into oblivion. But our culture is not sane.

It once was, but these people destroyed that part of it, at least a significantly large portion of it. Cultures that can no longer control their internal anarchic barbarism do not survive. It's past time to reassert control for rationality.


Anonymous said...

Seems like Valerie is up to her nonsense again. Check this out:

Raw Story: Did Historical Jesus Exist?

Steven Satak said...

Salon will print anything, as long as it generates clicks.

Steven Satak said...

@JBsptfn: C. S. Lewis knew all about the Historical Jesus, the Barthian Jesus, the Marxist Jesus. He called them the cheap crop of the spring bestseller lists. "It is not to these that I turn for my salvation".

Like the song says, it's all been done before. Only Leftists and Atheists seem to think they've stumbled onto something novel, something new.

Anonymous said...

Good point, Steve, and the sad thing is that they keep putting it out there, no matter how many times people like J.P. Holding refute it. That is a sign of insanity.