Thursday, January 15, 2015

Redefining "Blasphemy" to Align It With the Redefined "Tolerance"

The AtheoLeft is redefining the concept of blasphemy. They have discovered within their morality a brand new religious sensitivity not previously held, a sensitivity to a specific category of offense. That offense is the Muslim principle of blasphemy. Suddenly western elites are loath to violate the Muslim principle of blasphemy, which is actually a laundry list of things which outrage them and cause them to issue fatwas calling for hits by Muslim goons.

Never have the AtheoLeftists recognized any need for recognizing blasphemy as an operating principle before they first realized that their own lives were at stake. Blasphemy against non-Islamic religions occurs on virtually a daily basis, as do assaults on religious thoughts which differ from AtheoLeftist libertinism. So blasphemy is not a universally applicable concept under AtheoLeftism. Like all of their concepts, blasphemy is purely relative to what the class designation of the target is, and more specifically, how the target class might endanger the elite class who blasphemes.

So Muslims are protected from blasphemy in western elitist circles, while other, benign religions are subjected to constant blasphemy which becomes installed in laws requiring them to perform anti-religious services for blasphemers, in the name of tolerance and free speech and equality and Social Justice. This is the same as having tolerance for the Messiah and Victimhood Classes and total intolerance for the remainder of society: the Oppressor Class.

If it were not for hypocrisy, the AtheoLeft would have no discernible principles at all.

Except maybe cowardice in the clinches.

H.T. Russ Douthat for the following blasphemies and a good article:

Condom art

Piss Christ

Dung Madonna

I remember an incident where Christians stormed a local museum and removed blasphemous art; the AtheoLeft demanded they be punished under freedom of speech. Now we must empathize with killers, a la Hillary Clinton.


Steven Satak said...

"They have discovered within their morality a brand new religious sensitivity not previously held, a sensitivity to a specific category of offense. That offense is the Muslim principle of blasphemy."

That will happen when someone runs into your liberal workplace and, ignoring the sanctity of 'freedom of speech', proceeds to blow your brains out. Note the sensitivity applies only to specific Victim classes. They are still free to give the finger five times a day to Christ and his followers.

Leftists are as afraid of dying as anyone else. Maybe more so, since they don't really beleive there's anything afterward.

Unknown said...

Stan, thought you'd enjoy this one:

Mount Holyoke, the women's school that made headlines a couple of months ago over a girl who identifies as a man, and has recently decided to start admitting men who identify as women, has cancelled its annual performance of the Vagina Monologues. The charge? The breakout feminist stage play, which has been performed annual for nearly twenty years to raise money for women's rights and ending violence against women, was too transphobic, not inclusive of vagina-less women.

And then, what of the trans-men who've kept their vaginas? Don't they deserve to be included, too?

Stan said...

Har! Thanks for that. The Left always seems to get into positions where it eats itself up. One Victimhood Class violates another Victimhood Class and consternation ensues...

If a white Gay kills a ghetto black: Oh! What to do?? What to do??

The entire weighting of each set of Victims must be revisited to determine which Class has priority.