Monday, January 12, 2015

Some Are Not Charlie At All; It Would Be Intolerant Of Islam

No Obama Administration Officials attend the Largest Paris March Ever. Obama is not Charlie; he is not free speech; he is anti-rational on any and every issue which arises. He no longer attempts to cover that up. This shows, if nothing else to date has, that Obama is soft on Islamic "domestic violence/radical lone wolves", even as he continues to close Gitmo by releasing all its inmates. "Being Charlie" is intolerant of Islam and Islamophobic; it is outside the Leftist narrative, which opposes free speech because it might offend someone, somewhere. Free Speech a la Voltaire is in opposition to the necessities of Class War. The narrative rules all. Leftist Political Correctness is anti-speech which is outside the narrative.

And besides, just like feminists and blacks, Muslims are expected to act out, if they are frustrated by hearing or seeing things they don't like, things that don't conform to their ideologies, things produced freely under current constitutional law. The "real" concern is the potential suffering of Islam itself, due to unreasonable reactions to Islamic "acting out". THAT is the narrative which Obama wants preserved.

Andrew Bolt:
Are we really all Charlie? No, no and shamefully no

"This will go on. Be sure of it. Your ruling classes will not easily admit to having made an error that cannot now be fixed. It will prefer oppression to freedom, if that brings at least the illusion of peace — and many may even think they are right.

Hear already the lies.

You are told Muslim groups condemn the killings as unIslamic. Yet the Koran and Hadith preach death to unbelievers who mock Islam, and tell of Mohammed killing poets, singing girls and others who made fun of him.

No greater authority than the Ayatollah Khomeini, the then spiritual ruler of Iran, ordered the killing of writer Salman Rushdie for making mock of Islam in his The Satanic Verses.

We are also told the pen is mightier than the sword, but tell that to the people in the Charlie Hebdo office who found their fistfuls of pens no match for two Kalashnikovs.

Tell that now to even the brave leaders of Jyllands-Posten, who, after years of jihadist plots against their staff have had enough, refusing now to republish cartoons from Charlie Hebdo for fear of yet more attacks.

“It shows that violence works,” it admitted.

Everywhere you will find other papers making the same call.

We are all Charlie?

Bull. Absolute self-serving rubbish. The sell-outs are everywhere and will grow stronger.

The West’s political leaders have already told Muslim leaders they agree that mocking Islam is a sin, and have even passed laws — in France, too — making it unlawful.

They have attacked the very few journalists and politicians who dared warn against the Islamist threat.

Some now back Muslim demands for a boycott of Israel or at least greater recognition for the terrorists who run large parts of Palestinian territory.

Anything for peace, even if it means

And for all the protests this past week, submission is what you must expect."

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