Monday, February 2, 2015

John C. Wright, on the Ideology of Hate

The Marxist Three Class System is based on pure bigotry.
"The word for when a person erects in his mind a false image of a group of people, and sees them only as that image, that false stereotype, and moreover it is a despicable stereotype, one that robs them not just of dignity, but of their very humanity… that word is bigot"
The Left claims many things which it does not have, including nuance. Their Class War involves radical division of humans into one of their three classifications - nuance be damned. Should you object, then you are an Oppressor Class individual, and subject to eliminationist rhetoric (so far). The classification process is easy: either you are one of them or you are despicable, without value to humanity and disposable. And you are to be despised with the fullness of their self-righteous, pompous moral hatred. And punished in whatever manner they can muster.
"They do not say what they are, because, if you listen to them, they say that words mean nothing, that truth is relative, that all civilizations are no better than savagery, that no religion is better than another, and that anything which is not illegal is allowed. So of course they say they are perfect angels: because the word has no meaning to them, no words have meaning, and telling the truth is not correct. Only political correctness is correct.

Now they have gone fullbore barking moonbat mouthfoaming evil. The last traces of decency were scraped away with an exacto knife the day the Feminists publicly defended Bill Clinton abusing an underling, and no one on the Left rebuked them: and that was decades ago. Now they defend and make common cause with the Jihadists, who use power tools to drill holes in the legs or skulls of small children whose parents they wish to impress.

You see, it does not matter if the Jihadists act like the mass murderer from the movie SAW combined with Freddy Kruger combined with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Che. Che is a hero of theirs. Mao is a darling of theirs."
Because they despise everything not of themselves, they automatically reject the culture which made them free enough to try to kill freedom. They despise freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of economics, freedom in politics, but only those freedoms for The Other. And Othering is what they do, every day, every thought is devoted to Othering.
"They would rather die at the hands of a mad bomber than be accused of being like you. They think you are a racist, a bigot, a theocrat. They hate you more than they hate the Devil. The devil they salute as a rebel and freethinkers. To him they dedicate books.

Leftism is hatred. Everything that is normal, sane, healthy, holy, rational, or good, they hate. They hate the death penalty for murderers and love suicide and euthanasia. They have daydreams about the human race being wiped off the globe, in order to preserve the Guatemalan water snake or the Puritan stink bug. They hate marriage and love sodomy. They hate wealth and success. They hate population; they hate people. They are fearless when it comes to Jihad and fearful when it comes to the weather. They love abortion most of all: nothing gives a Leftist hearts in his eyes faster than contemplating a score or a hundred dismembered dead babies piled up in a heap outside an abortion mill, and denied a Christian burial.

They cannot even stand each other any longer. The Left is devouring itself:"
Read both articles...

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