Monday, May 11, 2015

Is Being Against Islam Racist?

Sami Shah review – slick standup is ‘an atheist defending Islam from racists’
Is "Muslim" now a race? Since when? Or is it just another excuse for a "cause" to attribute morality to, in order to be a messiah for that class?


Rikalonius said...

An Atheist defending Islam; presumably against the sustained attacks of racist, neo-Christo Theocracrats (or something). Oh, the irony.

Atheists have an irrational hatred for anything they can even remotely link to Christianity, but Islam... Well, it is just racist to hate Islam. To me it just cements my beliefs in what is true.

Phoenix said...

The Atheist Left is already convinced that when muslims take over,then Atheists will be the last on the menu to be butchered.This is their reward for supporting Islam.But that might not be the case after all.It seems Atheists have some stiff competition with Satanists.
As this article states;"As a Muslim, I have to support the Satanists.