Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Obama vs Dems

Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade
Progressives called ignorant, insincere, and motivated by politics, sparking fury among President's base

"Mr. Obama’s tirades on trade have included accusations that these liberal Democrats are ignorant about trade policy, insincere when offering their opinions, motivated by politics and not the national interest, and backward looking towards the past. Obama’s repeated attacks against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), in which he charged that Warren’s concern about the trade bill is motivated not by a reasoned view of what is right for America but by her personal political motivations, is one of the most dishonest and repellant examples of character assassination and contempt by any American president, against any leading member of his own party, in my lifetime.

Of course Ms. Warren, the most nationally respected liberal leader in American politics, is motivated by what she believes is right for the nation. Doubts about the trade bill are not limited to Ms. Warren. They are shared by the leader of Senate Democrats, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the leader of House Democrats, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and a majority of Democrats in the Senate and House as well as a significant number of leading liberal economists.

For the President to suggest that he knows more about trade then all of them do, and that they are all ignorant about the trade bill and trade policy, is staggeringly false and contemptuous of many who have been working on trade policy far longer than he has and know far more about trade, in truth, than he does.

For Obama to question liberals’ knowledge of trade, when he has chosen to keep the terms of the trade talks secret from the American people and most leading trade experts, and classified them as though the terms of trade talks should be equated with nuclear weapons secrecy, is absurd. As Elizabeth Warren and many others charge that the game is fixed, does anybody seriously believe that the highest paid lobbyists for the most wealthy global conglomerates that will reap the greatest profits from the trade pact are not aware of the key details of the trade talks that are being kept secret from most of the nation?

Let’s be clear. The issue is not protectionism versus free trade. Globalization is here to stay; it cannot be wished away. The issues are what should be the fair terms of trade; whether these terms should be decided in secrecy, where the winners get special access to the terms of the deal where the losers and the nation as a whole are kept in the dark; and whether Obama can lead an informed national discussion based on shared knowledge and mutual respect that his tirades about trade have failed to offer."

[emphasis added]
For the life of me I cannot understand why Republicans are in bed with Obama on this secret trade deal. I'm writing my Congress people. Sheesh.

1 comment:

Russell said...

For a decent little pull quote, this stuck out as incredibly naive "Let’s be clear. The issue is not protectionism versus free trade. Globalization is here to stay; it cannot be wished away."

"Globalization" is no more here to stay as "Pax Americana" is, and will fall apart for the same reasons it has in the past, the empire falls apart.

And this: "For the President to suggest that he knows more about trade then all of them do"
Why is this a surprise? He's repeatedly crowed how much more he knows than anyone else.

Deals done in secret? Obama claiming more power than Constitutionally granted? Do tell.

We repeat the sins of the Roman Republic and wonder why the Emperor is seizing all power unto himself.