Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Presumed Guilty: The Duke Lacrosse Case, Which Fully Exposed the Lies of Leftist Professors and Prosecutors.

Those involved in the rush to judgment should somehow feel the consequences of their actions. But they will not; they are always defended in their own minds by their presumptive moral superiority. Thus they have no consequences, and may do anything to whomever they wish, whenever they wish. Social Justice is the inverse of actual individual justice, and it trumps individual justice, purely because it is the desire of the SJWs to punish the Other whenever and however they can. And on campus, it is institutionalized from the Feds on down.

The Department of Education should be completely abolished and its employees not allowed to work in education ever again. And Duke should be purged of its Stalinist Leftist professors and staff. I imagine that would include almost all of the people employed there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"And Duke should be purged of its Stalinist Leftist professors and staff. I imagine that would include almost all of the people employed there."
Not just Duke! Everywhere!!
I wish...