Thursday, July 7, 2016


Paul said...

That perfectly represents the conservative mind: seeing chaos where there is none just because the guy in charge is not on their team.

Steven Satak said...

Or both.

Paul said...

Stan proving the point by talking trash about our president who only improved everything mentioned. Your opinion is based on no facts and you mention random off topic stuff because... That perfectly represents the conservative mind: seeing chaos where there is none just because the guy in charge is not on their team. You are such a liar.

Stan said...

Paul is a troll. Don't feed.

Xellos said...

Paul: are you a bot?

Paul said...

Xellos: looks like you're the troll here.

Vin said...

What kind of stupid meme is that? Obama wasn't great but ffs there are smarter ways to ridicule his presidency

Steven Satak said...

Here's how I see it.

If it was revealed tomorrow morning that our President had agreed that, in return for a huge sum of money, he would actively work for the Russians, the Iranians, the Taliban, Fidel Castro, DAESH, North Korea and those fellows in Brussels... what, exactly, would he be doing differently?

I'm just asking.

It seems to me that image Stan put up, pretty much sums it up. The guy hates this country and the joke's on us. He's the perfect Manchurian Candidate and *we knew what he was doing and we voted him into office twice*.

I read someplace an article by a writer with leftist leanings. He said that this election cycle was different from the others in the past. We no longer vote for our candidate of choice - we're voting against the other one.

Vin said...

Steven if you start with the assumption that the POTUS hates the USA your question is obviously a lie. You're not just asking you are stating an incredibly stupid opinion.

Stan said...

If you start with the assumption that the POTUS loves the USA, you do not get any of the results produced by this administration. The fact the POTUS does NOT care anything about the USA is self-evident from the facts of the last 7 1/2 years. In other words, it is an empirical observation. Do you not care for empirical science? Leftists typically like science ONLY when it enables them to seize power, as in AGW and evolution. Real observational empirical science is not in much favor with the Left, because it shows clearly that Leftism is destructive 100% of the time, racist 100% of the time, engaged in war against its ideological dissidents 100% of the time, and historically illiterate 100% of the time. It is empirically observed that Leftism is inhabited by power-starved megalomaniacs who cannot stand anyone who does not agree with them - on every myth they believe.

The major myths which the Left believe with all its heart and without critical analysis are that Leftists are tolerant (False: they historically are racists who maintain ghettos as black plantations, and they tolerate no one not a Leftist and not many Leftists); more intelligent (False: they don't use any intelligence because they have a narrative to tell them what is "True"); more moral (False: they make up morals for each situation as it arises - the Hillary Effect).

Leftists are ideological mind-drones.

Xellos said...

Vin: Let me guess, username Paul got banned?

Paul said...

Xellos: Huh?? That was someone else........

Steven Satak said...

You too, sockpuppet 'Paul'.