Friday, May 26, 2017

Europe Descends


Paul said...

Atheism Analyzed now uses an Atheist as a GOOD example !?

Stan said...

When the truth is provided, it will be used. This is not an identarian environment, unlike the Left.

So address the content rather than the speaker.

Paul said...

Your blog is specifically about Atheism!! If there is 1 identity that matters it necessarily is that one! This is not some kind of Leftism Analyzed isn't it?

Stan said...

Atheists are nearly 100% Leftist. They know everything. They behave just as juvenile as they were when they rejected all authority above themselves. This applies to you, obviously, because you know everything, except how to engage in civilized discoursed. Constant belittling and Ad Hominem attack is the currency of Middle School punks and Leftists.

As I said to your earlier attack, you are banned.

Steven Satak said...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.