Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Canada Demanding U.S. End 'Right to Work' Laws as Part of NAFTA Renegotiation

Canada is demanding goodies from the United States Congress as part of the renegotiation of NAFTA.

From The Globe and Mail:
One group of negotiators spent all day Sunday working on the labour file, according to a schedule of the talks obtained by The Globe and Mail. One source familiar with the discussions said Canada wants the United States to pass a federal law stopping state governments from enacting right-to-work legislation; the source said the United States has not agreed to such a request. Canada believes that lower labour standards in the United States and Mexico, including right to work, give those countries an unfair advantage in attracting jobs.
I love Canada, I really do. But not Canadian Leftism, which, for example, preferences Islam over Free Speech and other Leftist atrocities. So I favor jettisoning the NAFTA abomination, and going our own way, with our own laws, which Canada is NOT free to dictate.

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