Saturday, November 11, 2017

From James Woods

Antifa "No Hate" Attack
Guy with the long club seems to be coming in for the kid...

Good thing they are non-violent except for self-defense...


Steven Satak said...

Weird. That has a photoshopped look about it. Just sayin'.

Carl S. said...

It's just one image... do you have stats to support your implied claim that the Left is more violent?

There are way more terrorist attacks from Right-wing extremists and Muslim Jihadists for instance.

Trump was right when he said, after Charlottesville, that there is violence, from many sides. Looking at the big picture shows that it's coming from his supporters more than his detractors though.

Stan said...

Most of the video is of Antifa violence, while the mellifluous narrator says Right Wing violence and Right Wing hysterical news. But its still Left Wing.

I stopped watching that video at ~9 minutes, when the SPLC is cited as a source, after using NPR as the previous source. Two lying fake-information pimps. And the statement that Antifa is not very violent because they haven't killed anyone... yet, is transparently biased, ignoring all the hospitalizations they have caused, and the rising numbers of Antifa who are now in jail.

The violence trail leads straight back to Clinton/Soros, who paid hired thugs to draw blood and make it look like the Right Wing was guilty. They actually placed ads to hire violence. False flags abound, and yet video of Antifa proliferates, doesn't it?

And not just Antifa. Also the collegiate PC bullies who attack Free Speechers. Not the other way around. They physically attack even professors as well as guest speakers.

Charlottesville was a beauty: set up by false rightwingers in conjunction with the "uninvited" Antifa, the violence was pre-ordained by design - Leftist design. The death was a heart attack in a massively obese smoker.

I do have data - somewhere - and I'll look it up sometime, yet again, for the Leftists who actually believe your schtick. It is somewhat annoying to listen to the cloying anarchic Leftist claims against the believers in the US Constitution and American laws.

Anarchy vs lawfulness; that's the issue. You claim it is the "lawfulness" side that is violent. Not the anti-law, anti-social, fascio-communist anarchists. Maybe that needs a little thought?

BTW, Muslim jihadists are Left Wing, not Right Wing. Islam is the darling of the Left, despite Islamic promises to KILL ALL GAYS, not to mention SUPPRESS ALL WOMEN, and to ENSLAVE ALL NON_MUSLIMS. It's all right there in the Book.

I have promised myself to SHOUT those Islamic principles of violence, because the Left ignores them ("open secrets" doncha know).

Stan said...

I gotta admit, you're a hoot. First you make a false generalization (I go to sources), then you reference a site saying "All generalizations are false".


What you call part of the Right makes no difference to the actual truth of the matter: fascists and communists and Islam are all Leftist, and all compete for the title of "Lefter Than You". The spectrum goes from freedom of thought and action (Right) to totalitarian control of thought and action (Left). This was defined by the Jacobins on the Left side of the aisle (French Revolution). The Leftist Jacobins were proto-fascist, wanton Class Warriors who slaughtered at will.

You seem to have no concept of historical influence on today's Left. The Democrats are the party formed specifically to protect slavery, the party of the Southern secession in order to preserve slavery, the party of segregation and Jim Crow Laws, the party of the KKK terrorist/murderers, the party that voted against every Human Rights bill presented by Republicans, including the law passed in 1964.

The Democrats under LBJ expanded the Viet Nam War using a false narrative regarding an attack which never happened. LBJ hated communism, and the communist wing of the Left hated LBJ: hence the riots of the 1960's and early '70s, which was all Democrat, with communists vs fascists.

If you knew your history - that of the western world for the past 10 decades - you would know better than to associate constitutionalists with NAZIs.

For the utopian/communist Left, slinging the pejorative, "NAZI", toward anyone who disagrees is merely the first indicator of totalitarianism of the Left, and its drive to power. The current crop of Leftists seem to be utopians of the segregationist model, where their utopia is for themselves ONLY. Such segregation is just early cover for their proven eugenics-philia and subsequent genocidic tendencies... also proven historically by previous Progressive experiments.

Your final question/insult is born of the current rage against whites. Any white who protests that rage is Class-Identified as a White Supremacist. In fact, however, western rational constructs are inhabited by all races, with some races more fully represented than others. Western culture is the sole rational culture on the planet. Some hate it because it was generated primarily by Europeans and extended by Americans. But that is their race problem, not mine. And your question is merely a tactic of Class War, whereby you do not question the value of western civil culture, you go immediately for race, and specifically try to attack anyone who defends his out-of-Leftist-fashion race.

The Leftist concept of intersectionalism should be a red flag to anyone who is objectively considering the current cultural class war, which includes the cultural Marxist definitions of Messiah Class, the Victimhood Classes, and the out-class: the Oppressor Class. By this definition, the Left has perpetuated racism as the characteristic being essential to their *definition* of the Othered people: the Oppressor Class. It is racial bigotry at its apogee.

Racial bigotry, a la NAZIism and fascism, is a feature of the Left and its Class War, which requires racism and sexism in order to exist. Class War is Marxist fundamentalism. Both fascism and communism are Leftist. On the Right is intellectual and personal freedom, the opposite of both fascism/communism.

Interestingly, western civilization involves Enlightenment logic, rational tests of logic conclusions, freedom from oppressive and totalitarian control.

The hatred of western civilization because of "race" leads to logical absurdities. Fascism and communism are logical absurdities, and have been proven so, conclusively.

Yet the Left persists, regardless.

Stan said...

Trump is in no manner a totalitarian. That concept stems purely from hatred of having lost the Progressive March to fasciocommunist utopia, where everyone either thinks the same thoughts, or dies.

As for non-whites in the USA, they certainly encounter racists, most of whom are on the Left. Democrats are the party of racism. You have not addressed that historical truth. The Left has told the non-whites that they cannot make it without the Left's perqs, that the non-whites must be given Affirmative Action special privileges to make up for the difference in capabilities between non-whites and whites. There is nothing more racist than that.

So non-whites of low entrance exam capabilities are allowed into situations where they either cannot compete, or remain at the low end of the merit distribution. The non-whites aggregate, compare notes, and blame White Privilege rather than accept their own deficiencies as valid metrics. They become enraged at their perception of abuse. After a while they become violent. Further, they are aided and abetted by whites who fan the flames of racial discord through their "empathy" with the "abused" non-whites.

This is why racism is such an issue at Leftist institutions. False empathy and non-extant "abuse".

It's why low capability blacks, for example, refuse to learn about white literature: they can't comprehend it. It's why feministas want to de-masculinize sciences such as physics: they can't comprehend it so it is oppressive to them.

High capability blacks can and do perform well. They don't riot, they achieve.

Racism and sexism are purely Leftist issues: they believe they get more votes if they keep the Victimhood Class stirred up. But many women, blacks, browns, homosexuals, etc. voted for Trump, and for the same reason: to prevent the final takeover by the Progressive Totalitarians.

Carl S. said...

Authoritarian - Different word. Learn about it.

Both the Left and the Right can be Authoritarian. You support an Authoritarian right-winger while most SJWs are typical examples of pro-Authoritarian left-wingers.

Stan said...

That's not what you implied, although it is what you typed in. Do you think a POTUS should not have and use his authority as the CEO of the entire executive branch of the USA? It's a job expectation.

But well done so far. You have not responded to anything I have written above. Perfect obfuscation via Red Herring Fallacy.