Friday, December 29, 2017

One of the Costs of Stupidity

Monday Night Football Hits All Time Ratings Low on ESPN.

...based on these numbers ESPN has lost around 35% of its Monday Night Football audience since 2010. As if that weren’t enough, ESPN has also let it be known that they may not be keeping Monday Night Football when this deal expires because the company can no longer afford to pay $2 billion a year thanks to collapsing subscriber numbers, increased costs for other sports programming, and the dwindling ratings on their network.”

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

Kapernick and his followers will soon realize that the NFL is about money. The old men in charge of the NFL are taking their time deciding which way to jump, here. But in the end, it's "all about the fuckin' dollars".

There are a lot of holes in the desert. Would not surprise me in the least to wake up one morning to discover that some of them have been filled.