Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm Back...

We took a short trip over the long weekend to visit my Dad, who just turned 92. He farmed with mules as a young man on his Dad's farm in Kansas. They travelled by covered wagon from Oklahoma where Dad was born. Now there were tractors and autos available but grandad wasn't having any of that. So my dad is the last of the fossil fuel free farmers, at least in this family.

Now Dad is still up and around and is caring for a person 20 years younger than he is. He has a book case set up next to his reading chair and reads constantly...when he is not on the computer. Dad learned about the internet at the library a decade ago. He asked the librarian to research something for him; she turned around and did a computer search producing lots of info in just a few seconds. Dad went right out and bought his own computer and has been on it ever since. Fortunately he has a local son-in-law to unbind it for him from time to time.

Dad has always loved to learn, taking on new hobbies long enough to master them and then move on. Maybe that's why I'm a perpetual student myself.

I'm glad we went, and I'm glad to be back.

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