Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Would It Take....

In the old Atheist Manifesto, Antony Flew asked, what would it take to convince a Christian that he is wrong? Flew thought that no evidence presented to Christians would ever serve to counteract the superstition that he saw as the basis for Christianity. But the question also worked on Flew's Atheism, and he ultimately accepted the existence of DNA in primitive lifeforms to be adequate evidence against Atheism.

Now the question is applicable again. What would it take to convince Al Gore that global warming is not man-made? Here again, the evidence available to refute that claim is very convincing, yet it is ignored in the zealous, religious-like pursuit of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), and world governing bodies to manage it.

Every bit of consternation stirred up by Gore has been shown to be false, when I personally went after the real data. Some of the issues, such as glacier melt rate, are difficult to decipher.

But now there is a large - huge, actually - group of scientists who have approved a report that refutes man-made global warming. Over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition against such a concept and against the signing of the Kyoto Treaty based on any such concept. In the past decade experimental science has outstripped the computer models used to illustrate global warming. In a peer-reviewed summary document, each of the fearsome warming issues portrayed by Gore and the IPCC is addressed, this time with data.

To summarize the data,
(1) the earth is warming back up from its drop during the "little ice age".
(2) the warming cycles follow not the CO2 emissions, but the solar activity cycles.
(3) human generated CO2 is minuscule compared to conversion rates from the oceans and other natural sources.
(4) glaciers and icepacks have been melting back for much longer than human CO2 can account for.
(5) Antarctica is getting colder not warmer.

I can vouch for only claim #5, based on personal investigation of literature. I will verify the other claims as I have time. If you happen to verify some of them first, let me know and I'll post it.

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