Thursday, January 8, 2009

Anti-Semitism never dies...

Never far below the surface, the hatred of Jews is now erupting overtly. In Ontario, a union has called for banning Israeli professors from campuses, unless they speak the proper words. Freedom of speech on campuses has been pretty much banned anyway unless it comes from the left; this move attaches the left to anti-Semitism in a direct and overt fashion.

In Florida, an "anti-racist" group spawned a protest that contained calls for Jews to "go back in the oven"..."You need a big oven, that's what you need," screamed one woman.
"She does not represent the opinions of the vast majority of people who were there," said Emmanuel Lopez, who helped plan the event, one of many sponsored nationwide on Dec. 30 by the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism ) Coalition.

Lopez, a state coordinator for ANSWER, admitted there is a problem with anti-Semitism within his organization's ranks. But then he went on to call the supporters of Israel across the street "barbaric, racist" Zionist terrorists.

"Zionism in general is a barbaric, racist movement that really is the cause of the situation in the entire Middle East," Lopez said.
Presumably Lopez and ANSWER are OK with the random, indiscriminate bombing of Israel's citizens by Palestinian terrorists.

In Britain, the website ummahis looking for a list of prominant Jews to hit, according to

Across Europe, violence has started in protest of the "ethnic cleansing" that Israel is visiting upon the Palestinians.

Israel is not ethnic cleansing, of course. Certainly not in the same vein as the Palestinians wish for the Jews. It is customary amongst the Palestinians to over state their case in such a fashion they can no longer be considered credible in any statement. To parade around fake dead people, stage bogus disasters and so on does not compare to sending rockets into Israel.

The violence now is real, and it has been brought by Palestinians upon themselves; they cannot seem to abide living peaceably next to Jews.

The old wisdom was that all Palestinians wanted was autonomy and their own place. When they got that, they became an officially beligerant neighbor to Israel. It's not that they just won't learn, it's that they can't; to do so is outside their religion and worldview. To live in peace with Israel would require the destruction of their culture. So they will always continue to send their children to their deaths and blame it on the Jews.

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