Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just Too Late For Christmas...!

Japan researchers unveil robot suit for farmers

At, "Japanese researchers on Friday unveiled a robot suit, seen here in action, designed to help reduce the heavy burden of harvesting as the nation\'s farm industry faces an ageing, shrinking workforce."

I'm an aging, shrinking farmer, and I need this!


Jime said...

We're the best!!! What did you expected? Lol, just kidding.

Hey, look in this scientific finding on Free Will and honesty.

Stan said...

Hi Jime,
Japan is definitely the leader in human simulation robotics, as far as I can tell. It's pretty cool to see a machine do the boogaloo.

Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that study. Regardless of the findings, these are the types of studies that I am suspicious have not considered all the variables present in the human animal.

For example what was the type and strength of each individual's ethic prior to the indoctrination? And how are those things measured and filtered out?

Even in purely material experimentation it is frequently difficult to identify and stabilize all variables. In humans, it would be a huge task.

However, if the testing is replicated enough times over a large enough poulation, perhaps a consistent bias toward a single answer would be an adequate randomization type filter.

Most of these news releases are first-shot tests, without any replication; at least this one had one follow-up.