When logic goes awry it frequently generates a self-refutation in the manner of a self-contradiction, or paradox. The Hate Crimes legislation before the Senate will likely generate just such a paradox. Brought to mind by an article by Dr Reisman, the situation might develop something like this: one Gay becomes incensed at another Gay; they slap each other and call each other "Bitch!"(Note 1).
Both Gays are (a) protected, and (b) indulging in crimes of Hate. Does the level of protection outweigh the gravity of the Hatred? If the gravity of the Hatred is reduced in order to ensure protection, then it can also be reduced in other cases as well. But if the level of protection is reduced in order to preserve the gravity of Hatred, then the protection level can be reduced in subsequent cases.
Either way, it is a conundrum in which Gays lose.
This should be important to Gays, one would think, because Gay-on-Gay violence is very high on the list of health hazards for Gays, including Lesbians. But there is very little evidence of rationality in radical Gay assault on the laws of the land, or their hatred of the straight community - which, by the way, is not protected from Gay violence, unless they fall into one of the other protected categories.
And let's imagine a dispute between a disabled person and a Gay, where there are mutual insults and threats, maybe mutual slaps: who is more protected?
Hate Crimes laws are not really for the "protected" classes. They are a synthesis position in the ongoing trudge toward government assumption of power over thought.
Note (1). "Bitch" is sometimes treated as a curse word; it is not. It is the terminology used for a female dog. I have owned a number of bitches and loved them all. And I resent the theft of the term, and the term "Gay" for that matter, by the marketing arm of the homosexual movement. I have known people with the name Gay, some as first names, some as last names, and I feel for them. And all my bitches were sweethearts, not cranky like activist Gays.
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