Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Tumorous Death of Embryonic Stem Cells

I doubt this will get much play in the Main Stream Media-ocracy; they are heavily enamored of embryonic stem cells, as they are of abortion, both being embryonic eugenics. But the facts are harsh for embryonic stem cells: they don't work without the substantial hazard of producing future tumors. This is now pretty much a certainty.

And the continuing stunning successes of adult stem cells overshadows the minor progress of embryonic stem cells. The recent news of adult stem cells, "Mesenchymal" induced pluripotent adult stem cells, being capable of being engineered to home in on and destroy cancer cells is a case in point.

In an article for Reuters Health, Dr. A.J.Brown writes for Oncolink,
"Mesenchymal stem cells engineered to express TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) can target and destroy lung metastases from breast cancer, according to study findings presented Tuesday at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society in San Diego, California.

"TRAIL has been studied as a cancer treatment and is being used in clinical trials, and mesenchymal stem cells are known to home to tumors and other groups are using this to deliver anticancer agents. This is the first study to combine these two exciting areas to provide a directed cancer therapy with the ability to eliminate multiple secondary tumors," lead author Dr. Michael Loebinger told Reuters Health.

"In the study, Dr. Loebinger, along with Dr. S. M. Janes, both from University College of London, showed that TRAIL-expressing stem cells could destroy lung, squamous, breast, and cervical cancer cells in vitro, even when the number of tumor cells greatly exceeded that of the stem cells."
Human studies are in the planning stage.

As adult stem cells march forward, the forecast for embryonic stem cells is dark. In fact, Dr. B. Healy pronounces them obsolete in an article for A driving factor, aside from the success of adult stem cells, is this ethical question:
"And doctors who participate in the trial will have to ask what every doctor must ask before performing research on a human subject: Were I this patient, would I participate? Would I encourage my loved ones to do so?"
The propensity of embryonic stem cells to proliferate as multiple tumors in the brain and elsewhere is likely the death knell for embryonic stem cell therapies. It turns out that while adult stem cells merely die off if they don't find a place to do their jobs, embryonic stem cells don't die. Embryonic stem cells run around the system, perpetually, looking for something to do. They can wind up creating tumors:
These [adult] cells have the advantage of being the patient's natural own, and the worst they seem to do after infusion is die off without bringing the hoped-for benefit. They do not have the awesome but dangerous quality of eternal life characteristic of embryonic stem cells.
Adult stem cells could very likely turn out to be the most beneficial health development since the vaccination, chlorinated water and sanitary sewage systems. As for embryonic stem cells: Adios.

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