Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How The USA Works Right Now.

"You have nothing to fear", Barack Obama with huge grin.

The Obama administration wants your email address if you are a dissenter. And it wants your photo and I.D. if you show up at a tea-party. It has called out the union thugs to put fear into demonstrators. But that’s not all that’s going on.

In Congress, the “Franking Commission” has the ability to censor any congressional outgoing mail of which they don’t approve. Needless to say, the Franking Commission is not staffed by Republicans. The commission is now censoring and preventing the mailing of Republican outgoing mail from congressmen to their constituents, if the mail contains comments not approved by the Democrats. Earlier the release of the health care diagram showing the huge bureaucracy was stopped for a period of time; it was finally released at the end of the pre-vacation period since it was obvious that no bill would be produced during that time.

The Associated Press will start delivering not just news but also works that are provided by certain Leftist propaganda organizations funded by Billionaire activists George Soros, and Herbert and Marion Sandler. According to WND, “The AP announced last month it will allow its subscribers to publish free of charge work by four nonprofit groups, the Center for Public Integrity, the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University, the Center for Investigative Reporting and ProPublica.” The objectivity of the Associated Press will forever be tainted by this outright bias.

Congress proposes to tax things that make you fat.

The Fund For Public Interest is using craigslist to hire “lobbyists” for Obama’s “progressive plans”. You can make $330 to $550 a week, “…because we know that the challenges we face, from ending our dependence on oil to winning the battle for equal rights, are huge – and the politicians and powerful interests who stupidly and stubbornly resist change aren't calling it quits anytime soon.” It turns out that this is all funded by George Soros.

Obama changes the name of the game. In need of a visible enemy to focus the battle against, Obama has changed the name from “health care reform” to “health insurance reform”. He found out that with “health care reform”, the enemy is the government; but with “health insurance reform” he can redirect the focus to insurance companies, which he assumes that people hate. He repeats health care denial stories as if every insurance company denies every request. He hopes the scare will stick. But the legislation hasn’t changed, just the name.

The little girl that lobbed a marshmallow question to Obama about “people outside saying mean things” was no random child. She is Julia Hall, daughter of Kathleen Manning Hall, a major Obama activist and donor. Julia is one of Obama’s “human props”, which are plants in the audience to set Obama up with soft pitches that he can hit back with predetermined speechlets.

The drug industry has pledged $80 billion to the Obama Health Care Plan to be contributed over the next ten years. In return for Congress capping the “contribution” to $80 billion and no more, the industry will allot $150 million for commercials this Fall in support of the Obama plan. But now many Democrats want to extort even more cash from the drug industry; this is making the industry nervous about its prior agreement to only be blackmailed for the original $80 billion, after having spent the money on the commercials. It is speculated that the industry might also receive its coveted patent reforms, allowing longer possession of ownership of a product, a position previously rejected by the Left. There is more than meets the eye in the new transparency.

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