Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Too Am Kenneth Gladney

(Title cheerfully stolen from Andrew Brietbart)

Obama has called on his followers to double the force, to "punch back twice as hard" which is needed to counter the dissidents that flock to town hall meetings and other congressional public airings. This immediately resulted in the SEIU goons beating at least one dissident, a black man named Kenneth Gladney, who was also called a “nigger” by the goons, an act which usually would be a hate crime. Except now, of course, because Gladney is not one of the anointed, regardless of his protected skin color.

The exploding hatred of the terrorized Left has gone well beyond ratcheting up, it is rising explosively. As Brietbart documents, the Left is now screaming racist rednecks who hate blacks, fascists, swastika carrying, un-American, un-patriotic, insane, and so on. And when a hated female pol chimes in, she is personally attacked with every ounce of vitriol available; no (honest) critique of what she said, just violent vitriolic ad Hominems and distortions. In other words, the viciousness of the Left is rising beyond the surface and taking over their brains.

These are the folks that want you to let them run your health plan, taking your money to do it, along with money they plan to steal from Medicare. These are the folks that want to decide whether you fit the rationing profile or not. These are the folks that didn’t see the housing bubble, the finance bubble, and can’t see anything wrong with giving hundreds of billions to failures, with no oversight or transparency. These are the folks that created and passed class designation legislation making some classes and races privileged by extra protections from being disconcerted.

These are the folks who have paper trails describing their one-world, totalitarian, equal-outcome, elitism. These are the folks who are better than anyone else, the elite ones who make up their own ethical rules for themselves, and another set for the rest of us.

What we are seeing is the barely suppressed vicious side of these folks, because they are fearful of losing what they (nearly) have: total control.

What we will see shortly, I don’t know for certain, but Obama has approved the beating of Kenneth Gladney by his call for force and his lack of condemnation of the force he actually received from his SEIU goons. Obama meant what he said (this time) and what Gladney got was meant for all of us who want freedom over egalitarianism.

In that sense, I too am Kenneth Gladney. And some day I will proudly claim my place on the Obama enemies list.

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