Obama again uses the false analogy of automotive insurance to defend the (undoubtedly unconstitutional) use of federal force to implement insurance purchase. As has been repeatedly pointed out by the new media, one may opt out of auto insurance by not driving and using mass transportation instead. Many large city denizens do exactly this.
But one may not opt out of the forced purchase of product of the government controlled health insurance industry, or else suffer more time in Federal prison than most murderers do.
Obama's second statement, that there’s a thousand dollar “hidden tax” on private policy holders is correct in its essence: it is a government directive for hospitals that they must give care to every one and turn away no-one regardless of their ability to pay. Which is effectively a government tax on legitimate policy holders who pay for the care of indigents, i.e. and unfunded mandate on individuals. But of course the tax payer pays for prisons and prison-time too. And indigents who go on the government plan are subsidized by the taxpayer (118 new bureaucracies) under “hardship exemptions”. This affords no relief for the responsible, it is an additional burden. The statement fails logic.
“The President said that he didn’t think the question over the appropriateness of possible jail time is the “biggest question” the House and Senate are facing right now.”Jail time for dissent never is a question for totalitarians.
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