It's been a tough week. One friend lost a beloved Dad and an equally beloved 15 year old dog in the same week. Another friend discovered her 14 year old daughter to be pregnant by an 18 year old. And another death in a friend's family. Two neighbors have died in the past month. [I forgot - how could I - a friend's son fell asleep at the wheel and killed several people he crashed into]
But that seems to pale in the light of the House of Representatives' vote for jack-boot socialism late Sunday night. The hidden taxes, the 118 bureaucracies, the 5 year prison term for non-compliance, the rape of Medicare, the unfunded Medicade new mandates, the overt attack on "the wealthy", aka small businesses... The obvious move to entitle illegal aliens to both healthcare and the vote, even while strangling the Medicare entitlement for the American elderly...
And the slaughter at Hood that none dare call Jihad...
And the Cap and Trade vote to transfer wealth from Red States to Blue States, well, it is hard to take.
Locally, talk of secession and outright revolution is becoming acceptable conversation. How to survive the inevitable rampant inflation, and / or financial collapse of the Federal government, and what that will mean in terms of civil unrest.
The gloating jowl-shaking Soros, cursing free markets and inviting China to take over the governing of the world.
The continuing collapse of banks across the country, and the union-owned auto makers coming back for dozens more billions of taxpayer $ because no one will buy cars from failing parasites. Joblessness hits home amongst friends.
But I have farm work to do. Winter is coming and it could be colder than ever. Never mind what the AGW-one-worlders say in their global-tax-to-punish-the-rich-nations conference.
Note: updated editing.
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