Thursday, June 17, 2010

PZ Watch 06.17.10

PZ says:
”We've been working hard to reduce the stereotype of the atheist as the oddball loner who doesn't get along well with others.”
PZ goes on to spout Ad Hominems, denigration and contempt, his usual fare. Reducing the stereotype? Or reinforcing an accurate observation? In another post, PZ describes himself as a "brawler". Well, he is certainly a name caller of the juvenile sort. PZ loves to attack things in a universal form, condemning all religions and all religious people under one banner, while claiming a superiority for his own faith, Atheo-Humanism. That is how he sees "getting along well with others".


Stan said...

While I appreciate your intent (to a degree), your rants are not a contribution to the discourse here. I have deleted your latest, and I will continue to delete comments like that which do not address the post or other comments.

I do encourage your participation, if it is done in the spirit of discussion and not shouting and preaching.


JazzyJ said...

"the oddball loner who doesn't get along well with others"

I can't honestly say that I've ever held that perception of atheists.

Maybe PZ is projecting his own insecurities.