Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quotes of the Day 9.28.10

I finally had to go to town today. I usually wait until we are out of groceries or that the farm's demand for repair parts exceeds my supply. Today it was both. So I wound up at Wal*Mart. The first quote is from a slogan printed on a small boy's Tee shirt for sale in Wal*Mart:

"Silence! I will keel you!"

While I was pondering why anyone would think to put that on a small child's tee shirt, why anyone would print it, and who in the world would buy it for a child, as I left the store I heard this painful, screaming, booming radio rap in a car pulling in:

I presume that this would be the car of the parent who would buy the tee shirt for li'l Bobby.


Daniel Merritt said...

That's a Jeff Dunham act. He has a ventriloquist dummy that says "Silence! I keel You!" every time the audience laughs.

Stan said...

I've never heard of Jeff Dunham, but presumably whoever wears the tee shirt has. Thanks for the info.