Thursday, June 28, 2012

John Roberts Hands the USA to the Parasite Class

With the brand new federal ability to claim that any confiscation of individual rights is a “tax”, the Supreme Court has opened the path for total destruction of Amendment 10 of the Bill Of Rights. It has already been established that almost any human activity, such as not buying a certain product, is an economic activity, so that the federal government can regulate activities as “interstate commerce”.

While it seems inconceivable that “not purchasing a product” could be a punishable crime, it is readily apparent that the totalitarian bender the nation is on will not be stopped by an appeal to personal freedom from government dictation. If a notion of what is good for an individual is not resident in the individual, but resides instead in the government, then freedom has gone and totalitarian control has clamped its mandibles upon the populace.

In the deluded rush to ensure equal outcomes for all individuals, the outcomes have to be lowered, perhaps to the ultimate point of near destruction as non-producer populations swamp out producers. Further, the demands on the actual producers must be increased in order to accommodate the non-producers in their equal outcomes. For the marginal producer class, the non-producer class looks inviting, resulting in defections from the producers to non-producers. For the youth, mentally entrenched in “social justice”, the producer class looks less inviting and an onerous imposition when the non-producers get the same outcome.

It’s been done before. And now, as the federal government invites in aliens who produce at far less than they consume, the parasitism will grow until it consumes the host. And that happens all the time too.

It’s possible to treat parasites in a host; it involves both intervention and prevention and sometimes make the host sick for a short time. But that is the opposite of the thrust of today’s political culture. What is happening is that the host is purposely weakening itself, in the accompaniment and even promotion of ever increasing parasitic drain. And that is either stupid, or evil, or both.


Unknown said...

The Moocher class: Dolist: a person on the government dole. The dole is insufficient for a middle class lifestyle resulting in widespread poor diet, poor health care, et cetra which work to increase the cost of the dole through inflated healthcare costs. Supplied with minimal cost housing and healthcare, for the dolist, motivation to work is removed through the threat of being dropped from the dole once employed. Politically, the dolist population represents a large voting block and those who control the dolist vote wield considerable political power. For many dolism is viewed as morally detrimental because it creates a permanent underclass through hereditary welfare status.

Ex: The dolists are demanding greater entitlements.

Martin said...

Although I understand some of the concern, there is room for nuance here.

1. People WILL get sick
2. Some of those do not pay for health insurance.
3. Those who do not will go to the emergency room where they cannot be refused treatment.
4. The cost must be deferred somewhere.
5. That cost is shifted onto me and you, who DO pay for health insurance and our own healthcare.
6. If there is a tax/mandate, then this forces these people to absorb that cost themselves, rather than deferring it onto me and you.

I'm not sure I see a problem with that.

David Allen said...

What does this have to do with atheism?

Anonymous said...


Leftists are more connected to atheism than conservatives are. Most people turn themselves into atheism because of homosexuality, abortion and other "moral standards" that fits with them and not religion.

Anonymous said... you think it stops with line #6? The gubment will not expand it further than your simple list? I'm going with the old gut here....and it don't feel good!

Martin said...


Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. I'm not necessarily saying it's GOOD. But I think there IS an issue here with me having to pay for the uninsured. I think that should make anyone, conservatives included, angry. Is there a better solution? Perhaps. But let us explore it, then.

Instead, and this is the reason I hate American politics, the formula is:

* Is this law/policy/etc created by Us, or by the Other? If by Us, then it is good. If by the Other, then it must be opposed at all costs.

And that's it. That's what all American politics boils down to. Reason, logic, and evidence are tossed out the window.

Anonymous said...

True Dat!