Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is Atmospheric Warming Being Caused By...

...science itself? Or does HAARP reflect back onto polar ice and melt polar bears? Or is this just another science fraud, lining someone's pockets? Just askin' of course.


Keep your eyes open. said...

They've never proven that HAARP wasn't controlling people's minds but they make a little joke in the article as if we are meant to laugh. They never proved it wasn't controlling people's minds but they use ridicule to dismiss it. Telling. There are a lot of facts about the government mind control that they don't want you to ask about.

ogsOurg nemodus said...

I don't know if "Keep Your Eyes Open"'s comment is serious or a troll but it illustrates the irrationality of Stan's inability to come to terms with who has the burden of proof.

No one has to prove HAARP isn't controlling people's thoughts.

Stan said...

If you take the position that there are no minds being controlled by HAARP, then it is up to you to support that position.

Your actual position seems to be that the assertion of HAARP controlling minds is absurd, a position which is without any backup of any nature. So your opinion is what rules your thoughts on the matter, rather than empiricism or logic.

If you chose to, you could make a logical argument to support your opinion, including principled Ad Absurdum deductive claims of absurdity. That would demonstrate your attachment to logic. But you chose to demonstrate your attachment to your ideology instead, in using your opinion of absurdity as an analog to justification of your opinion of absurdity of other propositions.

So your opinion of one thing is used to justify your opinion of another thing.

Hardly a robust assertion.

It appears that Atheists believe that they are possessed of tautologically-correct opinions and therefore they are in denial of any responsibility for giving actual reasons for their opinions. (Their opinions being correct, tautologically, needing no explanation of why they are correct). When given a proposition, they reject it without cause... other than ideological opinion. Then they claim no responsibility for their rejection, which therefore is seen to be a rejection without either logic or evidence, an ideological and irrational position which is blind belief in action.

Tautologically correct opinions are merely ideology of the religious variety: blind faith without reasons or reasoning.

Which is why Atheists never see a need to justify their proclamations of rejection (or their denial of their responsibility, or even their denial of their actual rejection) with either reasons or reasoning. While a select few do make actual arguments, the above applies to at least the vast majority of Atheists, who are intellectually immature Atheism ideologists and who are happy to remain that way.

The intellect seems to stop where the intellect is deemed to be ideological property, and to be tautological with any/all opinion within that ideology.

Atheism remains an emotional attachment to the freedom of the VOID, within which the Atheist experiences the exhilaration of absolute freedom from the demands of authority of all kinds, including the authority of disciplined logic to which the Atheist will never submit.