Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Last Exchange With The Vaccine Troll

My response to the vaccine troll is too long for the comment blocks, and so I publish it here as a post. The conversation has been degenerate from the get-go, with charges against me of being a murderous, immoral, and heinous person who enjoys body counts, all with foul language dripping with moral outrage and self-righteousness, of course. This will be the final post on the subject from my end, although I’m fairly certain that the Vaccine Troll will respond with furious yet moralistic invectives as is his character.

I will start with a direct quote from the Troll:
"What you are effectively advocating is a death sentence for promiscuous behavior. ("About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. ") This seems reasonable, from your perch of absolute morality? 8/10 women? Fuck them right. Sluts. No pun intended."
The troll denies having said this:
” This is beyond idiotic. I said 8/10 women get HPV. You say that is a risk they chose to take for non-monogamous life style. Ie 8/10 women: fuck them right?

My very first sentence in this thread is a quote of how many actual deaths are due to cervical cancer.”

”So you are once again lying.

By quoting you directly, I am lying? "Death sentence for promiscuity?" OK, I see your mental process: deny that you said what you said. However, your words are recorded and stand.

Since you are (all) just one single foul-mouthed, non-scientist troll using many names, I will address you one last time as a single individual.

First. I admitted that the article in question had at least two errors, possibly more. However, the idea that Dr Harper has no concerns about the vaccine issue is FALSE, as will be shown below, using your very own references which you only prejudicially, selectively quoted, just as you did your own comment above.

Second. I admitted that monogamy is a dead issue in this Brave New Leftist pagan culture - IF the culture is embraced by those youth who are assaulted by it. Yet monogamy (and abstinence) still are quoted by the CDC as the only – ONLY – way to avoid the HPV STD. Your dismissive position that such avoidance of STDs is impossible is addressed below.

Third. Your statement:
"Regardless of your pipe dream of cultural monogamy, the evidence points out that comprehensive sex ed is better at reducing teen pregnancy and STDs than abstinence-only ed."
Show your evidence that abstinence does not exist, and that STDs and pregnancy are not avoided by abstinence. Clue, your own references refute that, as shown below.

Abstinence is either a value of the family and the local culture, or it is not. In a culture of rampant sexual adventurism pimped constantly on all media (and apparently approved by yourself as evidenced by your contempt at the suggestion of cultural responsibility), considerable sexual adventurism will be the result. But not total. The pagan Left has won that war on traditional values of personal responsibility, at least in the streaming culture. The country will not return to personal responsibility as a national cultural character value for a very long time, if ever. However, personal responsibility does still exist as a hated sub-culture… hated as has been demonstrated here, with heated contemptuous invective against the mere suggestion of such heresy.

You are partially correct, however. The concept of personal responsibility has been destroyed as an overall cultural value by the amoral Left, so abstinence “training” will have no effect on those particular youth who do not recognize any responsibility for their risky behaviors. This is especially egregious in the millennial generation, many of which can hardly be induced to work for a living, and most of which enters college too ignorant to begin freshman work. The three-generational maleducation is complete, yet it has not influenced those from certain backgrounds.

Fourth, your reference to the same Wiki page which I referenced points to a flaw in that page: At one point Dr Harper is quoted (with references) taking one position; at another point she is quoted (with a single reference) as taking a different position. So which is it? You choose to believe the one which agrees with your worldview, meaning that you eschew any skepticism for the contradiction. I choose just enough skepticism to wonder what the truth actually is.

Fifth, your comment,
” That is false. It is false for serial monogamists."

Except you just conceded that HPV cannot be avoided via monogamy. And the CDC has multiple quotes backing me here. Listed above.”

This ignores the CDC statement which I quoted saying that abstinence and monogamy are the only way to avoid this STD. You are prejudicing the issue with your position that no one can avoid multiple sexual contacts, and contact from outside monogamy, which is just not true. Your presumption of the inevitability of total sexual promiscuity is both false, as will be shown, and its presumption indicates either defeatism or approval. It’s not possible to tell which with precision, but your attitude seems to favor the latter.

This in turn voids your next comment:
” I'm not for forcing anyone to take anything. I am for accurate information. So you can just exit that entire angle of attack.”
You apparently wish to prejudice the information in favor of your worldview, which seems to be that sexual adventurism is fine, needs not be discouraged in young people, ostensibly because… well just because that’s your opinion. That is not a pursuit of “accurate information”, which would necessarily include the CDC position on total safety through abstinence and monogamy, which you heatedly reject with ideological rationalization; your overall concept is to salvage the irresponsible from the consequences and overtly not to address their irresponsibility, which in itself is irresponsible although it is cloaked in the faux morality of messiahism.

In terms of “accurate information”: You have failed to address the issue of recalled vaccines and the acceptance of risk in taking any vaccine. That is definitely not the pursuit of “accurate information”, it is neglect while making a pompous claim.

Here is a direct quote from your referenced article:
” Because the vaccines prevent rather than treat HPV, they should be administered prior to contraction to be fully effective. This means vaccination must ideally occur before people engage in sexual activity. A 2011 survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that nearly half of all American high school students reported having engaged in sexual intercourse. Yet, Dr. Darden’s study shows that parents cite sexual inactivity as one of the major reasons for declining the vaccine for their children.”
So more than half of American high school students are abstinent? That is in the data. Yet the article seems to chide parents for declining the vaccine on the basis of sexual inactivity. And it certainly refutes your position that abstinence is impossible.

And here is Dr Harper:
”This dichotomy leads Diane Harper, MD, MPH, MS, Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri School of Medicine, who participated in early trials of the vaccines at the behest of their makers, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck & Co., to suggest that vaccination be based upon individual risk factors because studies have not shown how long the vaccines protect against HPV.

Dr. Harper sees merit in waiting until patients themselves determine the appropriateness of vaccination.”

That is exactly my position. EXACTLY.

In addition, she claims that protection duration is NOT KNOWN. This of course means that the claim of 100% effective is a false claim, if she is right.

Dr Harper again:
” “I provide a balanced picture to my patients and their families and am not at all upset if they refuse the vaccine, especially at younger ages,” Dr. Harper says. “I think it may be more appropriate for some people to decide they want to be vaccinated at age 16, 18 or 20 — whichever age makes the most sense for them to have protection from infection.”
This does not preclude the decision NOT to be vaccinated, based on two of the abstinent individuals becoming monogamous, regardless of your incorrect but vehement attacks on monogamy and personal responsibility.

Those are the issues; so go ahead and accuse Dr Harper of enjoying the body count; of being murderous; of all the heinous charges you have made here in your hysterical – shouting – domineering – intolerant rants. Her position is the same is mine, so your foul language must apply to her as well.

Now for Dr Darden:
” On the other hand, Dr. Darden notes that sexual activity doesn’t always happen as planned, and because of prevalent teenage sexual activity, Dr. Darden encourages vaccination before children enter high school.

“If you vaccinate after the patient is infected, the vaccine won’t help at all,” Dr. Darden notes. “The vaccine may not provide the protection we hope for, but it’s better than nothing — it’s the same reason why we give tetanus shots. I understand concerns that the vaccine doesn’t provide lifelong protection, but I don’t understand using that as an excuse not to vaccinate.”

The vaccine is ineffective for much of the population, which is already HPV positive. The risk, as Darden points out, is attributable directly to sexual adventurism amongst teens.

Deny that. Please show that Dr Darden is lying.

And Dr Harper again:
” Dr. Harper questions the appropriateness of routine early vaccination and pushes for an individualized approach to vaccine administration.
‘The argument that someone should get the vaccine at age 11 because by the time they’re 18, they’ll have a 50 percent chance of having had sex and the vaccine won’t work, is true at face value,” Dr. Harper says. “But it may very well be that the age at which a person decides to get vaccinated is very personally determined. It’s much more appropriate to decide what the risk is as a family or as a person.’”
[Emphasis Added]
She essentially denies your right to assess the risk for her patients. And she denies the appropriateness of bullying the vaccine into people as a routine demand.

Here is the conclusion, featuring both Dr. Darden and Dr. Harper:
” In the Pediatrics study, which was published in March 2013, Dr. Darden shows that between 2008 and 2010, a little more than half of surveyed physicians recommended HPV vaccination to their teenage female patients. Dr. Darden explains that physicians have a duty to provide clearly stated recommendations to their patients.

“Sometimes, as physicians, we feel we’ve stated our recommendations, but to the other party, they remain unstated,” Dr. Darden says. “This can increase their uncertainty. Parents or patients can still refuse the vaccination, but the reason they’re coming to you is for your expert opinion, and I don’t think it’s fair to them not to give it.

Dr. Harper agrees that, while physicians should clearly state their recommendations, they should not conform to messages sent by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
“The message physicians have received ... is that you have to push the vaccine,” Dr. Harper says. “That’s absolutely the wrong way to present these vaccinations. What physicians need to be saying is that the vaccine is available, and it’s useful.”

[emphasis added].

Darden thinks there is only one possible opinion, his personal expert opinion, and that it should be the only one given to patients. Harper clearly thinks otherwise, and says so very clearly, with reasons.

Your hysterical desperation in pimping this vaccine is unwarranted, if you believe Dr Harper; your hysterical desperation in pimping this vaccine is warranted if you believe Dr Darden.

I choose the principle of Choice; Women’s Right to Choose; Freedom From Coercion and Bullying. Despite your claims to the contrary, your breathless condemnation of any deviant opinion as ‘enjoying body counts”, “murder” etc indicates that such forcing is warranted, just because you say so. In other words, the bullying of this vaccine into the bodies of children is what you are engaged in.

Don’t care for that analysis? Then explain your comment below, which I print again for entertainment and edification:

You said:
"What you are effectively advocating is a death sentence for promiscuous behavior. ("About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. ") This seems reasonable, from your perch of absolute morality? 8/10 women? Fuck them right. Sluts. No pun intended."
This is bullying and it is bullying with blatant lying. You have denied that. The denial is just another lie.

So that pretty much wraps this up, right?


Facts said...

However you want to twist my words Liar, it is simply not coherent for any reasonable person to take that sentence in context and suppose that I claim that 80% of all women will die of cervical cancer or that every promiscuous woman will die of an STD.

Let's do that math. 300 million people, half female, 80% of who will die from STDs. So I supposedly claim that 120 000 000 women will die from STDs? Yeah that totally makes sense. /s

It was a direct response to your condemning "risk taking sexual adventurism" and "if actually practiced as part of personal responsibility in sexual activity, would eliminate the cervical cancers caused by the HPV STD"

Especially since I posted the actual rates of fatalities. You can accuse me of hysterics all you like, but clinging to this bizarre charge of inflating the body count is ridiculous. Especially since I posted the actual rates of fatalities.

So yes you are lying. Again. Continuously. You are grasping at straws because you've already conceded that the key facts you posted are wrong. YET YOU STILL HAVEN'T EDITED THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE.

"First. I admitted that the article in question had at least two errors, possibly more."

Good. Correct your damn article and stop spreading lies. That's all I was ever after, and you've fought me every step of the way.

"However, the idea that Dr Harper has no concerns about the vaccine issue is FALSE, "

I never said there were NO concerns. You are lying via insinuation. Strawman. Again.

"Second. I admitted that monogamy is a dead issue"

Good. Stop acting like if YOU are monogamous, YOU are immune to STDs. EVERYONE has to be monogamous for that to work.

Furthermore I NEVER attacked monogamy nor degraded personal sexual responsibility. So another Strawman, which is fancy word for a LIE.

"Show your evidence that abstinence does not exist, and that STDs and pregnancy are not avoided by abstinence. "

Clue. I didn't claim that. I said "abstinence-only ed"(UCATION). I included proof. Strawman lying again Liar.

Facts said...

"The vaccine is ineffective for much of the population, which is already HPV positive. The risk, as Darden points out, is attributable directly to sexual adventurism amongst teens."

Which primarily who the vaccine is target at. Why would I try and claim he is lying?? Grasping at straws indeed.

"She essentially denies your right to assess the risk for her patients. And she denies the appropriateness of bullying the vaccine into people as a routine demand."

I did neither. You and your lies. Multiple times I specifically said vaccination was a personal choice and I just want people to have access to the correct information.

Information which your original article completely bastardized. Nearly every key point you've completely recanted on.

Now you are left with nothing but to make up a plethora of strawman lies about me, my position and my claims.

"At one point Dr Harper is quoted (with references) taking one position; at another point she is quoted (with a single reference) as taking a different position. So which is it?"

I addressed this. I do not consider "Woman's Health Magazine" to be equally reliable as "MDNews".

‘enjoying body counts”

Oh, those are quote marks. So, where did I say that? Clue! I did not SO YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR. Over and OVER!

C'mon Liar, accuse me of juvenile language and using insults. That's all you got left. Believe me I'm ready to call you every name in the book. But nothing is as appropriate as LIAR.


Except one now that I OBVIOUSLY did not mean that 80% of women will die of a HPV STD. That is an absolutely moronic claim with no supporting evidence (AND I POSTED CONTRASTING EVIDENCE). Frankly you must have your head up your own ass to to assume that's what I meant.

You are just harping on it in the faint and pathetically desperate hope that my quote (mine) becomes the focus instead of your LIES.

Approximately 4,600 women were projected to die in 2001 in the US of cervical cancer (DSTD), and the annual incidence was 13,000 in 2002 in the US, as calculated by SEER. Thus the ratio of deaths to incidence is approximately 35.4%.


Stan said...

shouting and screaming certainly places you properly in the juvenile arena, and well outside of civil discourse. Your denials above are mostly more lies.

I have adequately shown your lies, and I have admitted to the several errors in the article which I posted. You have not admitted to any of your multiple errors - instead you scream like a cat with its tail in a closed door. You are done here, because you are behaving like a child.

"At one point Dr Harper is quoted (with references) taking one position; at another point she is quoted (with a single reference) as taking a different position. So which is it?"

I addressed this. I do not consider "Woman's Health Magazine" to be equally reliable as "MDNews"."

The reference was to your own article quoted from Wikipedia. You are so angry and self-righteous that you cannot even read that which is written. Pitiful.

And this paragraph, one more time:
"What you are effectively advocating is a death sentence for promiscuous behavior. ("About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. ") This seems reasonable, from your perch of absolute morality? 8/10 women? Fuck them right. Sluts. No pun intended."

Your incredible (as in "not credible except in your imagination) response:

"However you want to twist my words Liar, it is simply not coherent for any reasonable person to take that sentence in context and suppose that I claim that 80% of all women will die of cervical cancer or that every promiscuous woman will die of an STD."

It's not a sentence, its a self-contained paragraph, with seven (7) terminal punctuation marks. I did not twist it, I quoted your very words, an entire paragraph of your very words. You twisted it in your orignal denial, by quoting small parts of it only.

No more of your absurdities will be posted here. If there is more than one of you, which I doubt, the rights of all of you to comment here are revoked.

However, you have prominently displayed the attitudes and tactics of the Left: Bullying, screaming, lying/denying, contempt, presumed superiority merely due to your screaming and contempt, undeserved self-righteous indignation, and strict adherence to leftist amorality with only denigration of personal responsibility and character development. Not to mention your illogic regarding serial monogamy and abstinence, which is demonstrably higher among teens than is promiscuity, a fact you ignore because it goes against your worldview, fact demonstrated by the CDC and by your own references.

A very sorry display for the Left, I must say.


Facts said...

Okay so to be clear, you really think that what I meant was that 120 million / 150 million women will die from STDs?

And my claiming that IS NOT what I meant is me lying?

Maybe I'm just confused. Clear it up for me one last time pls and ty. With a cherry on top.

I mean, out of everything I've said, that's the message you are sticking with?

Steven Satak said...

I've said this before and I will say it again - the defining move of the dedicated Leftist/Liberal/Atheist is that at all times they are busy sawing off the branch they're sitting on.

When this becomes objectionable is when they insist on doing it to the branch *you're* sitting on, and indignantly demanding that you either help them do it, or pay them money for it, as part of your 'moral obligation'.

Self-destruction as an expression of morality... hmmm.

I always agreed with Lewis that ego (spiritual pride) eventually leaves no room for reason. This is a perfect example - I could not have offered a better one if I had tried. To try to drag down into ruin the only society willing to tolerate your shenanigans is to be left in the end with societies that do *not* tolerate your behavior.

Like I said, sawing on the branch...

Stan said...

You said what you said. The entire conversation is on-line. Your constant beligerance and bellicosity in pursuit of your personal righteousness has warped your ability to communicate rationally. So,

You said what you said in order to defame me. That is your only communication tool: defamation with absurdities.

In the process, you defamed yourself.

Defamation is a sorry form of communication. As I have said before, it is juvenile; but more than that it is an emotional problem.

You don't have to worry about your personal image (since that is the thrust of your last comment) - no one knows who you are, especially since you multiple sock puppet yourself in order to spread your defamatory comments around as if there are many of you inquisitors and self-righteous jihadis for the Narrative. But in reality, all of them are just li'l 'ol you and your defamations (and denials, of course).

But you - all of you - are done here. Go sock puppet your defamations somewhere else.

Nats said...

Here's an article that I know will interest you. It's called "The Moral Justification for a Compulsory Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Program". It examines the issue through many lenses. Ethics, law, etc with historical examples. Your "trolls" need to read it too.

Steven Satak said...


What caught my eye was the almost casual conclusion. In part:

"To withhold available and effective measures that prevent disease and death is immoral, as is advocating for alternative programs such as abstinence education that are unrealistic and ineffective."

It's immoral... because this scientist (and apparently part-time amateur philosopher) says so?

Okay, so the claim to moral superiority over anyone who disagrees with his conclusion is in place.

Next we have the flat statement that abstinence education is "unrealistic" and "ineffective". The first is a subjective word - whose reality are we talking about? - and the second is unsupported, that I can see, by independent studies. Or at least data from them. Though I might have missed them.

Preparations have now been made for the second part. To wit:

"As more becomes known about the long-term consequences of an HPV vaccine, it is reasonable to hope that the goals of science—development of a safe and effective vaccine—will ally with moral ideals to offer all citizens equal access to a vaccine that reduces harm, which will be especially valuable to the disadvantaged populations at greatest risk. Ideally, this would occur on a voluntary basis, but history teaches us that it will be best accomplished by implementation of a compulsory vaccination program."

Annnd the second part, the claim to intellectual superiority, is dropped into place.

Note that this final summation establishes that, because the speaker and his allies are our moral and intellectual superiors [because they said so and they are scientists and well, Science], they are justified in making the vaccine not just voluntary, but mandatory.

They will not pay for it themselves, as would be the case with a voluntary program. They imply that lesser-endowed individuals would be unduly denied the vaccine - because they disagree (moral inferiors), can't afford it (too poor) or can't understand why it's a requirement (too stupid).

Thus they are fully justified in not only making it mandatory, but making it the public burden. It's only fair, after all.

Lost in all this are the real reasons they are doing this. I submit this is yet another case of the liberal/atheist mind coming up with a new way to saw off the branch we are all sitting on. And making us pay for the privilege.

Stan said...

I'm preparing a rather lengthy article on this arrogant Leftist. It might take a couple of days to get posted.

Steven Satak said...

Give it your best, Stan. Go easy on the twenty-dollar words, 'cause they slow my reading way down.