Monday, August 26, 2013

Accumulator of Leftist Lies, Frauds, Bullying and Racism; 8-26-13

Sharpton and Faux Righteousness
”Sharpton was especially outraged by the court ruling on voting rights and by the efforts of state legislatures around the country to erect new voting restrictions, such as voter identification laws. "Our vote was soaked in the blood of martyrs, and you can't take it from us," he said, promising to march in each state mulling voting restrictions.”
What Sharpton and all the riot agitators obviously want is voting by any black who shows up, no matter who he is or how many times he has voted. Their constant immoral agitation is not supposed to irritate the responsible portion of the populace, because their cause is blood soaked, and therefore morally untouchable. That goes for the death caused by Sharpton himself, when he fomented the NY riots. He is untouchable by remorse, and has only fake morals.

DoD Training Manual: ‘Extremist’ Founding Fathers ‘Would Not Be Welcome In Today’s Military’
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch recently obtained a Department of Defense training manual which lists people who embrace “individual liberties” and honor “states’ rights,” among other characteristics, as potential “extremists” who are likely to be members of “hate groups.”

”It begins its introduction of a section titled, “Extremist ideologies,” by describing the American colonists who sought independence from British rule as a historical example of extremism.
“In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples,” according to the training guide.
In a section drawing inspiration from a 1992 book titled “Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe: Political Extremism in America,” the manual also lists “Doomsday thinking” under “traits or behaviors that tend to represent the extremist style.”

Extremists often predict dire or catastrophic consequences from a situation or from a failure to follow a specific course, and they tend to exhibit a kind of crisis-mindedness. It can be a Communist takeover, a Nazi revival, nuclear war, earthquakes, floods, or the wrath of God. Whatever it is, it is just around the corner unless we follow their program and listen to their special insight and wisdom, to which only the truly enlightened have access. For extremists, any setback or defeat is the beginning of the end.

“Nowadays,” the manual explains, “instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.””

Hmmm. No mention of fomenting racial rioting and murders.

Jesse Jackson:
”The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Thursday that conservatives are wrong to compare the Trayvon Martin case to the death of Chris Lane.

During an interview on MSNBC, Jackson was asked whether he thinks that “some on the right are making a false equivalency” between Martin and Lane, a young white baseball player allegedly killed Friday by three black teenagers. The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Thursday that conservatives are wrong to compare the Trayvon Martin case to the death of Chris Lane.

During an interview on MSNBC, Jackson was asked whether he thinks that “some on the right are making a false equivalency” between Martin and Lane, a young white baseball player allegedly killed Friday by three black teenagers.

“Yeah,” he said. “They want to connect what happened in the Trayvon Martin case with these three young men on this foolish rampage killing this ballplayer.”

Jackson said a better comparison was a case in Oklahoma last year when two white men shot five and killed three people in a black community. Jackson said conservatives “seem to have forgotten” about last year’s slayings.

“That’s really more of an equivalent,” Jackson said. “But there are no winners in any of this sickness.”
Dictating who is racist and who is not: Screaming "RACE!!" is only acceptable when it is against whites: that is racist, and it is perpetuated by the Leftists and black racist agitators, not by whites.

Follow the money:
ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists

“ObamaCare has become big business for an elite network of Washington lobbyists and consultants who helped shape the law from the inside. More than 30 former administration officials, lawmakers and congressional staffers who worked on the healthcare law have set up shop on K Street since 2010.”
Obama’s Racial Imbalance By John R. Lott Jr.
He professes outrage when there’s little evidence of bias against blacks, but ignores attacks on whites."
And this:
"Just days before the attack on Lane, one of his killers, James Edwards, tweeted how he “knocked out 5 woods since [the] Zimmerman court [decision]”; “woods” apparently is a pejorative term for whites. Another tweet read: “90 percent of white ppl are nasty. # HATE THEM.” Two others: “With my niggas when it’s time to start taken life’s” and “At the end of the day it’s all about the kill.”

Unfortunately, many attacks on innocent people have taken place in revenge for Trayvon’s death. Some include:
Gainesville, Fla.: A white man was beaten by a group of black men yelling “Trayvon.”

Oak Park, Ill.: Two blacks repeatedly punched a young white man; one of the two attackers told police he beat the victim because he was upset with the Trayvon case.

Toledo, Ohio: A 78-year-old man was severely beaten by a group of black youths while they shouted “this is for Trayvon.”

Washington, D.C.: Three black men robbed and beat a white man, stealing his wallet and iPhone. One of the black men said, “This is for Trayvon Martin” as they approached the victim.

Mobile, Ala.: A white man was attacked by 20 black adults who hit him with chairs, pipes, brass knuckles, and paint cans. As the group left, two witnesses reported one assailant said, “Now that’s justice for Trayvon.”

Baltimore, Md.: A group of black youths beat a Hispanic man while saying, “This is for Trayvon.”

Chester County, Pa.: Firefighters responded to an arson started at a white-owned business with the words “Kill Zimmerman” painted in red on the front wall.
Similar revenge attacks have reportedly occurred in Memphis, Tenn.; Norfolk, Va.; and Sanford, Fla."

Obama, Sharpton and Jackson could have stopped this; obviously they did not want to stop it: They are demonstrably Racists. Violence mongers by default of leadership. "We'll demonstrate in 100 cities" shrieked Al ("death by demonstration") Sharpton. Sharpton is a maestro of race riots.

A short history of "race crime" hoaxes:

Leftists denying adequate schooling to blacks:
"Personnel is policy, and the Obama administration knows it. That’s why they hired swarms of committed leftist lawyers to populate the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Bobby Jindal and school choice advocates are finding out the hard way how it works.

Mike Flynn at Breitbart covers a lawsuit filed last week to block school choice in Louisiana by the Educational Opportunities Section of the Civil Rights Division. (Copy of complaint is here.) The lawsuit alleges that school choice in Louisiana means too many white kids are going to private schools. Never mind the fact that black children can do the same thing.

People regularly underestimate the enormous power held by radical bureaucrats. People often wrongly assume Eric Holder or President Obama are masterminding these radical and absurd policies. They are wrong. Holder and his downstream political appointees often only green-light radical legal theories cooked up by lifelong radicals.

So let’s meet the lifelong radicals attacking Bobby Jindal’s state education policies, as profiled in the PJ Media Every Single One series.
Wouldn't want anyone to opt out of the defective schools in the Democrat Plantation where they live, would we? They might learn enough to get off the plantation.

Life on the Plantation:
In Another Country; By CHRISTOPHER ORLET
"I live in a different America now. For the past two years I lived in the inner-city of America’s most dangerous city. I saw the culture of poverty up close and personal. Some insist there is no such thing as a culture of poverty; they would think differently if they spent the last two years in my shoes. But of course they won’t."
"But if you are a single parent with multiple children by multiple fathers, and a high school dropout, with a record, then chances are you are part of that culture. If you move to a new rental every six months, yanking your kids out of school after school, and if you do drugs in front of your children, and sell your food stamps for cash, then chances are you are part of that culture. If you are 20 years old, living with your grandmother, with no interest in ever getting a job, or getting married, or doing much of anything, chances are you are part of that culture. If you do not have a kitchen table, but you do have a big flat screen TV, and when the social worker comes to visit someone yells, “The social worker is here, go get the light bulb,” then chances are you are part of that culture.

When I moved into the inner-city, I hoped to gain some insight and understanding of the poor and their situation. Two years later I left feeling the situation is intractable. Everything the professional uplifters do for the poor is but pruning the branches, instead of hacking at the roots of the problem. For the underclass to escape the culture of poverty they would have to cease doing most if not all of the above, and I don’t see that happening.

Besides, as I have written before, too many of the underclass enjoy the culture of poverty. They would feel horribly out of place in a tony subdivision where they would have to work to make a house and car payment, instead of drinking beer all day on the stoop ― they don’t even have stoops in the suburbs. They would have to cut their lawns and keep the trash and noise to a minimum. What fun is that? In the inner-city you can do whatever the hell you want. You can even shoot somebody, and chances are no one will rat you out, because that is the code of the inner-city streets, and people there hate the cops more than they hate the drug dealers.

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