Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Honesty makes the News... and Good For Them!

It is truly a sad state of affairs when acts such as this make the news... BUT:

In these times, they seem to be the exception, rather than the rule. Hurrah and Huzzah for these young men! News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.


Anonymous said...

Link is to
What article?

Steven Satak said...

I know guys like that right in my own neighborhood. They, like my son, are the rule rather than the exception, but you don't get that by reading the sensational press. And these days, it's ALL sensational.

Daniel said...

Why are you so cynical towards your fellow human beings? It's nearly impossible to prove, but I would argue that these people are not exception. It just doesn't sell news!

There are 2 kinds of bloggers. The ones that write about something they like and care about, and the ones that write about something they dislike or even hate. Several years of blogging wasted being in the 2nd category. How does it feel to be such a negative blogger?

Stan said...

What I do here is to point out failures of the irrational AtheoLeft. This irrationality has gotten to the point of extreme positioning in American culture, having been installed via maleducation, and reinforced via media and governmental influences. When I point out the constant irrationality which is produced by those in control, it is referred to as Hate. This has been a consistent tactic for the duration of my meager blog. Well, "Hate" and "Racist": trivial attacks in the absense of actual arguments in support of AtheoLeftism.

Your complaint is just another one of those. If you don't like what you see here, then by all means, leave: other than that, if you have an actual argument to make rather than just snark, then make your argument.

If you have a positive argument for AtheoLeftism - make it. If you can prove anything, then prove it.

Daniel said...

Do you always avoid questions like that?

And no worries, I certainly won't hang around such a negative blog for long. There is too much beauty in this world to hang around cynics like you. I am merely curious about 'why' you are like that.

Don't you think that being labelled as 'hateful' and 'racist' has more to do with your negative blog than a lack of arguments?

As for 'proving' something, I would need to know what you are talking about...

Steven Satak said...

@Daniel: well... do *you* always avoid questions by responding with more unfounded accusations rather than actual reasons?

Do you always give yourself away by:

- complaining about 'negativity'? This is a favorite non-issue raised whenever the poster wants to make emotional accusations.

- complaining about 'cynicism'. Another non-issue that absolutely no one cares about, but it appears because it's an easy slur.

- breaking out the Left's two favorite buzzwords - 'hateful' and 'racist'. They can be flung all day, they mean whatever the writer wants and they're a dead giveaway that we're in the presence of a troll.

- responding to a request for proof by pleading ignorance - this despite the very clearly stated goals of the blog and the associated website.

- recycling the above, in no particular order, for as long as it pleases the (easily-pleased) troll, until it's time to go back to 4Chan or something.

- linking all of this drivel to another site and starting the cycle up there.

The problem with people who take stupid pills every morning is that eventually, they make the fatal mistake of assuming the rest of the world is even dumber. You, "Daniel", would appear to be one of those people.