Saturday, August 17, 2013

HPVs, Vaccines, and Errroneous Claims

You make this claim:

The National Cancer Institute says, "Studies have shown that both Gardasil and Cervarix prevent nearly 100 percent of the precancerous cervical cell changes caused by the types of HPV targeted by the vaccine for up to 4 years after vaccination among women who were not infected at the time of vaccination."[31]

The vaccines target only two out of more than a dozen [see the list below] cancer causing HPV types; types 16 and 18. There are 14 HPV high risk types which are not covered, so cancers caused by those forms of HPV will still exist. PAP testing must be done anyway, and it is PAPs that will save lives, and have saved lives. So while your quote is true, it is not pertinent to the issue.

The issue here is two-fold. First, is reaction to the virus serious (and are they all known)? Second, is there really an epidemic of cervical cancer resulting in death due to not using this vaccine? Let's address the vaccine and its impact first.

“…the proportion of female HPV reports classified as “serious ” (reports are classified as “serious” if they contain information that the event resulted in hospitalization, prolongation of an existing hospitalization, permanent disability, life-threatening illness, or death) peaked in 2009 at 12.8% and decreased after that to 7.4% in 2013 (for more information, see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR): “Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescent Girls, 2007-2012 and Postlicensure Vaccine Safety Monitoring, 2006-2013 — United States”

And this from Slade, et. al., quoted in, referenced by

Postlicensure safety surveillance for quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine.
”Abstract Conclusion: Most of the AEFI rates were not greater than the background rates compared with other vaccines, but there was disproportional reporting of syncope and venous thromboembolic events. The significance of these findings must be tempered with the limitations (possible underreporting) of a passive reporting system.”
[emphasis added]
Two conclusions here: First, that the safety limits for both syncope (passing out due to lack of blood flow to the brain) and venous thromboembolic events (blood clots in the veins) are outside the designated safety limits (and both of those are potentially deadly). Second, the reporting system is suspect, being a non-rigorous system which is highly dependent upon the manufacturer’s retransmission of reports of events, and the voluntary reporting of events out in the healthcare system.

”High-risk types, including types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 69, 73, and 82, can cause low-grade cervical cell abnormalities, high-grade cervical cell abnormalities that are precursors to cancer, and anogenital cancers (5). High-risk HPV types are detected in 99% of cervical cancers (6); approximately 70% of cervical cancers worldwide are caused by types 16 and 18 (7). Although infection with high-risk types is considered necessary for the development of cervical cancer, it is not sufficient because the majority of women with high-risk HPV infection do not develop cancer (3,4).
[emphasis added]
”HPV Infection
Condom use might reduce the risk for HPV and HPV-associated diseases (e.g., genital warts and cervical cancer). A limited number of prospective studies have demonstrated a protective effect of condoms on acquisition of genital HPV. A study among newly sexually active college women demonstrated a 70% reduction in HPV infection when their partners used condoms consistently and correctly (98). Abstaining from sexual activity (i.e., refraining from any genital contact with another persons) is the surest way to prevent genital HPV infection. For those who choose to be sexually active, a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is the strategy most likely to prevent future genital HPV infections.”

[emphasis added]

The maximum cervical cancer death rate, identified at that maximum in four states only, is 40 ppm (0.00004 or 0.004%). Average is probably 20 ppm (0.00002 or 0.002%).

Given that only 70% of cancers will be addressed by this vaccine, then the average is 14 ppm (0.000014 or 0.0014%) who will be positively affected by having been vaccinated prior to infection. Of these, 93% can be caught and treated successfully by early PAP testing. The death rate, contrary to assertions made, is quite small, definitely not the 80% implied erroneously.

The actual death rate from the vaccine itself is not really known, if the passive reporting system is truly questionable, per Slade, et. al.; again, however, according to their study the potentially fatal syncope and venous thromboembolic events are outside acceptable limits:
“Conclusion: Most of the AEFI rates were not greater than the background rates compared with other vaccines, but there was disproportional reporting of syncope and venous thromboembolic events. The significance of these findings must be tempered with the limitations (possible underreporting) of a passive reporting system.
[emphasis added]
Now let’s address behavioral issues:
Editorial Note
Although HPV vaccination coverage has lagged behind that of other vaccines recommended for adolescents (3), coverage among adolescent girls increased each year during 2007–2011; 2012 is the first year with no observed increase. In 2012, only 53.8% of girls had received ≥1 dose of HPV vaccine, and only 33.4% had received all 3 doses of the series. Despite the availability of safe and effective HPV vaccines, approximately one quarter of surveyed parents did not intend to vaccinate their daughters in the next 12 months. Missed vaccination opportunities remain high. Every health-care visit, whether for back-to-school evaluations or acute problems, should be used to assess teenagers' immunization status and provide recommended vaccines if indicated.”

[some emphasis added]

Encouraging and accommodating unsafe behavior results in more than just sexual adventurism; it results in personal negligence as an embedded behavior pattern. If reasonable sexual behavior cannot be a cultural staple, neither will be salvation by injection. The failure to accept the CDC’s own position that abstinence/monogamy is the only sure prevention of cervical cancer is the real problem; it is purely a political amorality issue.

The accusation that promoting responsible sexual behavior is this:
” effectively advocating is a death sentence for promiscuous behavior. ("About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. ") This seems reasonable, from your perch of absolute morality? 8/10 women? Fuck them right. Sluts. No pun intended.”

This statement is both intentionally morally directed from a position of smug self-righteous indignation that responsible sexual behavior should even be suggested (as it is in the CDC literature), much less promoted; Further, it is totally false, an egregious misrepresentation of the seriousness of the epidemiology of the HPV STD disease : most cases – the huge majority – never develop symptoms, and disappear on their own. As I have shown using the CDC figures, 0.0014% will die of their sexually transmitted disease, even though that disease is the most common STD at this time. Further it is apparent that proper testing could prevent many of those deaths. The use of 8 out of 10 as a criterion for condemnation is many orders of magnitude in error; it is false by 100,000 :1.

So the accusation is both factually and morally wrong, and represents merely a cheap insult at a juvenile level.

From the American Cancer Society:
”Cervical cancer can often be found early, and sometimes even prevented entirely, by having regular Pap tests. If detected early, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.”
[emphasis added]
Caught early, there is a 93% recovery rate (5 year) per the ACS.

Caught late in the progress of the cancer, the rates decrease accordingly, with stage IVB being merely 15%.

Could the death rate as it stands at 0.0014% be reduced to 0.00001% by encouraging more PAP testing by women? Probably. But again that reflects behavioral changes in a society which is not so inclined toward responsible behavior. Not even to avoid STDs, nor to get vaccinated. Accommodating irresponsibility merely leads to more irresponsibility. Even so, the HPV STD epidemic is not a lifethreatening epidemic of outrageous proportions.

The comparison of this vaccine to other vaccines for non-behavior acquired diseases is absurd.
”I did not promote either monogamy nor abstinence…”
Of course you didn’t promote those behaviors, they are responsible sexual behaviors which are now lost to several generations.
”but that the presence of the vaccine would not promote more promiscuous behavior.”
It is impossible to promote more promiscuity than is already promoted daily in this culture; it is the necessity for accommodation of that culture of irresponsibility and amorality which is your advocacy. And the accommodation of a set of behaviors is indicative of benign acceptance (passive approval), and if that does not promote the behaviors, it at a minimum does nothing to discourage them, thereby sharing culpability for their existence.

Next. Your presumption that I am anti-vaccine is completely erroneous and a Jump to Conclusion Fallacy, intended to insult and condemn by association, falsely. I get tetanus vaccinations regularly; I got a flu vaccination last Fall; I will be getting a shingles vaccination this week – I’ve had to hold off due to antibiotics I needed for something else. If bird flu gets serious enough, I will get a vaccination for that, too; we have chickens. I got all my shots as a child, and I’m grateful for them. But those are diseases of existing in a population of humans who transmit accidentally and not by irresponsible lifestyle choice.

The hue and cry to vaccinate every eligible female will definitely bring a huge cash flow to Merck, at $300/each every four years for all females between 9 and 26 years old in the USA and around the world. Are you somehow in big pharma’s employ? Or is it purely an ideology attachment which must be satisfied? Does your affection for science include doing the math required to check out the claims? Or do you just accept what they say when it is congenial to your ideology?

Finally, your moral pretensions are onerous in light of your lack of knowledge concerning the subject of which you pretend to be an expert defender. As for sluts in my family, your cheap insults confirm my observation that you have no real argument to provide; after misrepresenting data, you consider insults to be intellect, and that is a standard defect of the AtheoLeft, the inability to argue either logically and civilly. It is because their arguments fail in the light of day, every time.

The massive documented errors of your scientistic “arguments” and the cheap, juvenile slander of your tactic render you useless for discussions of any intellectual value.


Facts said...

Wanna cut the crap?

Approximately 4,600 women were projected to die in 2001 in the US of cervical cancer (DSTD), and the annual incidence was 13,000 in 2002 in the US, as calculated by SEER. Thus the ratio of deaths to incidence is approximately 35.4%.

The vaccine can stop this.

The National Cancer Institute says, "Studies have shown that both Gardasil and Cervarix prevent nearly 100 percent of the precancerous cervical cell changes caused by the types of HPV targeted by the vaccine for up to 4 years after vaccination among women who were not infected at the time of vaccination."[31]

The vaccine is safe, it works and it will save lives.

Stop spreading misinformation which could KILL PEOPLE.

When all is said, that's what it boils down to. You've presented nothing to contradict either the effectiveness of the vaccine (demurring to even provide an actual quote from the Dr you claim rejects the vaccine.) OR that people fucking DIE OF CERVICAL CANCER.

Facts said...

"It is apparently too difficult for modern humans to keep their genitalia to themselves until they mate permanently. And mating permanently is not in the cards when single mothers can get extra governmental subsidy benefits, which are lost if the live-in male-of-the-moment becomes an actual husband. (this is occuring in more than one place in my own family tree, and yes, it is fraud, and yes, it is culturally and governmentally driven from the amoral Left)."

Yeah I didn't want to repeat all that, sorry if the word "slut" offends your sensibilities. Can you think of a short word that would otherwise sum up the epidemic of promiscuous sexual behavior in your family that you describe?

Let's sum up your argument again.

"If reasonable sexual behavior cannot be a cultural staple, neither will be salvation by injection."


And you accuse ME of moral pretensions? Get bent.

FActs said...

"disproportional reporting of syncope and venous thromboembolic events. "

Oh so there is a bit higher incidents of SWELLING AND FAINTING DEAR GOD DON'T GET VACCINATED!

"majority of women with high-risk HPV infection do not develop cancer"

Out of the 80% of women who get HPV MOST don't get cervical cancer. SO WHAT A LOT DO!

"Abstaining from sexual activity (i.e., refraining from any genital contact with another persons) is the surest way to prevent genital HPV infection. For those who choose to be sexually active, a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is the strategy most likely to prevent future genital HPV infections.”"

Quick everyone stop having sex! Ya this'll work.

Oh wait no it doesn't! It's the OPPOSITE.

"”Cervical cancer can often be found early, and sometimes even prevented entirely, by having regular Pap tests. If detected early, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.”"

Yes.. Pap tests should continue ... again how does this have any bearing on how the HPV vaccine stops cervical cancer?

No. Your rejection of this vaccine is completely based on your presumption of morality, as you have stated multiple times.

Hey Stan, maybe we shouldn't condemn people to death for being promiscuous hmm? What do you think?

Stan said...

Troll - whoever you are:
Your rant is completely based on your perception that I want the vaccine stopped; I do not. What I want is for the probable unkowns to be weighed against the probable knowns, so that every individual can make her own choice without being morally forced, which is what you are doing.

Condemning people to death? Your Impassioned rant is absurd. Your use of numbers to inflate the risk is abhorrent. You have no credibility.

But continue with your ridiculous juvenile shrieking, at least for awhile if you wish... the wasted bytes belong to google, not me. But you will likely be booted at some point due to your inability to be civil - or rational... and your perpetual lying in defense of a questionable pursuit.

An example of your absurdity:

"If reasonable sexual behavior cannot be a cultural staple, neither will be salvation by injection."


And you accuse ME of moral pretensions? Get bent."

The entire argument is not from morality; it is from reality: the disease is wholly preventable, yet the risky behavior continues unabated. The observation remains: once risk is accepted as a lifestyle, innoculation againt it is not likely. Further, if risk avoidance is a lifestyle, then innoculation is still not likely. A purely practical statement, one that you hate and therefore twist to suit your moral position of my murderous intent.

Now, this statement tops it all:

"Yes.. Pap tests should continue ... again how does this have any bearing on how the HPV vaccine stops cervical cancer?"

The HPV vaccine does not stop all cervical cancer, as you continuously imply. Further, it is likely that there is far more benefit from Pap screening, regularly, to catch the 93% who will recover due to early discovery, as compared to the 70% who are immunized by the vaccine.

Again from the American Cancer Ass'n:
”Cervical cancer can often be found early, and sometimes even prevented entirely, by having regular Pap tests. If detected early, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.
[emphasis added]

Stan said...

Your final statement is this:
"Hey Stan, maybe we shouldn't condemn people to death for being promiscuous hmm? What do you think?"

By pointing out the falseness of the epidemiological hysteria (which you have represented more than adequately with your totally false representations of the probable hazard level) the necessity for you to charge me with condemning people to death indicates an ideological and faux moral drive to destroy the enemy of your narrative with pejoratives. I repeat, your arguments are false and you tae no responsibity for falsifying them; your charges are false morality and false representations of my position; and your attitude is quite juvenile, mistaking sarcasm for actual thought. Certainly not a beneficial advertisement for scientism.

Your shouting indicates that you actually know that your statements have been false and falsified, so now you try to shout down the evidence which goes counter to your ideology.

I'll repeat the position which I take: the probability of death from the STD HPV is so low that for a person to reject vaccination is quite rational, given the risk acceptance behavior of modern humans when it comes to sexual adventurism. It is not rational to use false numbers to insinuate that a massive death rate due to the STD HPV exists; it does not.

The death rate does not even come close to any in the top 15 causes reported by the CDC here:

At a reported 3,900 per year, the cervical cancer statistic is buried in the last line item: "residual".

In its accident statistics table, the risk of death from cervical cancer is similar to the risk of drowning, and less than the risk of three separate types of suicide: poisoning, suffocating, and firearm suicides each have more risk than cervical cancer.

Certainly those who wish to be vaccinated should be. Those who wish to ride motorcycles without helmets should be allowed to do so, as they now can once again in Missouri starting this year. Those who accept risky behavior are by definition risking the consequences of that behavior; by not getting the vaccination, they risk death at a very low probability. That is their choice to make, not the government or anyone else; it is their body.

Anti-risk forcing, especially by deception, is anti-freedom, and anti-moral. It is also anti-choice.

God Is One said...

Car crashes are wholly preventable too. Just don't drive. So let's stop installing seat belts in cars.

Stan said...

God is One,
No one is forced to drive, and the comparison seems valid up to a point: one assumes the risk when one gets into a car.

The addition of safety devices such as airbags, padded dashes, collapsible steering, controlled crush front ends, sturdy window posts - all of these additions are forced on the consumer who buys a car; he pays the cost and cannot reject the safety features without not buying the car.

Seat belt use is similar forcing of behaviors, as were helmet laws for motorcycles.

Forcing behaviors has become a government standard, which is now in the form of forced purchasing of an undesired product (buy health insurance or be punished).

Personal choice is slowly being limited to killing one's progeny in the womb for the convenience of the mother (over the protest of the father, even), a process guaranteed to produce 100% death of at least one of the individual humans involved. This death rate is protected as a Women's Right.

Factsamundoisimtism said...

"Your rant is completely based on your perception that I want the vaccine stopped; I do not"

Ah, you fooled me when you posted saying the vaccine is deadly and simultaneously useless. Perhaps you should put a clarifying edit at the top of the post so folks like me don't get confused by the content of the post rather than the intention.

"What I want is for the probable unkowns to be weighed against the probable knowns"

Right so the probable knows are
1)thousands people get cervical cancer
2)this vaccine immunized you from a majority of them.

Anti-freedom and anti-risk forcing?! Wow. WOW. I'm done. Facts are posted anyone reading this must have the ability to look at wikipedia. I'm not saying you HAVE to get the vaccine either! I'm saying don't spread lies saying it useless AND deadly!

I'm saying if you plan on sleeping with more than one person maybe you should get vaccinated. Hell if you are planning on sleeping with someone who might once have had another sexual partner, maybe you should get vaccinated.

I mean honestly Stan. It's not even a morality issue. You CAN have multiple sex partners over the course of many years (or weekends) AND still be monogamous.

Oh but this somehow relates to your comment about 100% death rates of aborted babies and that's totally relevant and not any kind of fallacious argument.

That was sarcasm.

Stan said...

Once again you twist what I said; I quoted the report referenced by the CDC, which indicates - in a peer reviewed scientific paper - that there are two potentially deadly side effects which are outside of the specified limits for safety. You didn't like that so you tried to ridicule those conditions, which made you look totally foolish.

That on top of your attempt to imply that 8 out of 10 women will be sentenced to death by my objection to the tactics used to pimp this vaccine. Another ridiculous statement: foolish.

Your position is that these women must be protected (with raging adamance!!!) as if they could not be trusted to protect themselves (sexist) or think their own thoughts regarding risk assessment (sexist), and that any attempt to refer to the CDC fact sheets is the same as murder (Fallacy of False Equivalence, nasty and foolish.

That is ridiculous: foolish.

Your attempt to justify monogamy as the same as sexual adventurism cannot be the case, since if every prior relationship involved only completely monogamous couples there would be no contact from infected outsiders. That is how monogamy actually works. Your example fails for that reason.

I threw in the abortion issue because it is clear that you are a raging, angry Leftist Atheist with the volatile, personally endowed and derived quasi-ethics common to Leftist Atheists, and thus the chances are very good that you are pro-abortion, which, in turn, means that you don't care about young females at all, since half of all the aborted humans killed are females, now dead.

But go ahead and deny that you favor abortion; that's what I now expect from you.

142 alcorol said...

Stan, is the amount of dead girls acceptable because you believe the amount is small enough or is the amount of dead girls acceptable because you believe the girls are not conforming to your morals?

Stan said...

Anonymous 142 alcorol,

False dichotomy failure: you can only see those two reasons because you think that it is your responsibility as a messiah to save everyone who you designate as a Victim. Here the girls represent your Victim Class, and I am the poster boy for your Oppressor Class.

In fact there is another choice, another possibility which falls outside your moralistic view:

It is not up to you, or to me, to decide for these girls whether they get vaccinated or not.

I tried to be as clear as possible with you or "troll" or "LiberalViewer" or whoever you are, above.

Perhaps I failed at that, so I'll try again:

(1)It is not up to you.

(2)It is not up to me.

(3)It is up to their parents.

(4)The misuse of data as a scare and guilt tactic is bound to backfire.

(5)The risk takers have a right to make their choice.

(6)The risk averse have no right to guilt all over the risk takers.

(7)You - whoever you are - have claimed that risky behavior is an expectation.

(8)You - whoever you are - feel the messiahist need to prevent that... but only the part where the consequence comes into play.

(9)The idea that there could be (and has been historically) self-control and monogamy is ridiculed and met with data implied to mean that moderns cannot do that. The data reflects the currently culture of pagan lasciviousness, not the capabilities of a culture which could correct its behaviors.

(10)So the solution is not to allow the parents to exercise their judgment of this non-epidemic and their judgment of the actual risk outside the arena of hype. The solution is to accuse those like myself who dig out the actual facts, of murder, enjoying body counts, and general crimes against the Left which is in the business of saving humanity from all consequences.

So from this you may conclude that your accusation is based on a logical fallacy; that your attempt to smear me as a heinous murderer has failed abjectly; that your personal messiahist moralizing is fully understood for what it is, which is asserting control over others in the name of your personal "moral" conclusions.

You could conclude that, but probably not.

Once again I refer all of you - if there is more than one - to your position on abortion as a referent to your actual level of empathy for young females. Fortunately for you, this is not about empathy for young females. It is about Leftist hegemony over the personal decisions of parents for their children, and the use of hateful tactics to acheive that.

Steven Satak said...

@142 alcorol: another attempt to phrase the question "Stan, have you left off beating your wife?"

Stan loses if he answers yes OR no.

That is, until we begin to wonder whether your accusations:

[i]Stan thinks the amount of dead girls is acceptable because it is small enough[/i]


[i]Stan finds the amount acceptable because they are not conforming to Stan's morality.[/i]

have any merit at all. After all, Stan apparently thinks that way because YOU said so.

And who the hell are you? Some faceless person with time on their hand and lots of irrational arguments to make? You don't - indeed, CAN'T - make the case for either of those options.

You just throw them out there and we're supposed to find Stan in an uncomfortable position.

Here's what Steven Satak thinks: he thinks you're bored and just a little bit of an egoist. Not much of an edumacation and probably a bit of a passive-aggressive. If you can't live the way you want, no matter the cost to you or anyone else, then Science should make it so.

Some of us don't believe in replacing moral standards with profitable injections of anything with questionable side effects. Especially those that have been made mandatory by people who always seem to know what's best for everyone (excluding them, of course).

You may wish you lived in such a world. You might succeed in creating that fantasy with your rants on a tiny corner of the internet. You might be having the time of your life, baiting Stan. But it won't last.

Even a dullard like you has to realize the rest of us are not going to carry intellectual freeloaders like you forever. At the very least, you're going to have to come up with a new 'nym.

Someone said...

And once again, Steven Satak shows that he has nothing valuable to say. Keep up the good work as Stan's annoying watch dog...

Stan said...

And exactly what part of your comment had value?

142 alcorol said...

Steven: "You don't - indeed, CAN'T - make the case for either of those options.

You just throw them out there and we're supposed to find Stan in an uncomfortable position."

It's Stan who argued those options.

Too few deaths:

"the probability of death from the STD HPV is so low that for a person to reject vaccination is quite rational"

"The death rate does not even come close to any in the top 15 causes reported by the CDC"

"At a reported 3,900 per year, the cervical cancer statistic is buried in the last line item: "residual".

In its accident statistics table, the risk of death from cervical cancer is similar to the risk of drowning, and less than the risk of three separate types of suicide: poisoning, suffocating, and firearm suicides each have more risk than cervical cancer."


Moral objections:

"Accommodating irresponsibility"

" if every prior relationship involved only completely monogamous couples there would be no contact from infected outsiders. That is how monogamy actually works."

"anything which can be used to promote promiscuity seems to be something to promote"

" abstinence and monogamy, if actually practiced as part of personal responsibility in sexual activity"

"To suggest such personal restraint is anathema in today's culture; it interferes with feminism"

"It is apparently too difficult for modern humans to keep their genitalia to themselves until they mate permanently"


Steven: "Some of us don't believe in replacing moral standards with profitable injections"

You seem to be acknowledging that moral objection was the argument here. Unless you are against profit.

Someone said...

None. That's the point.

Steven Satak said...

@142 alcorol: At last! Thank you.


Stan is not arguing that there is a threshold of death where enough deaths = good reason to use the vaccine. He is saying that the prevention actually poses a greater risk than the disease itself.

Now, if you are arguing from the basis that ANY number of deaths is good reason to use the vaccine, then I submit that is a conclusion you have reached on your own. It seems to be a conclusion reached by others as well; that any amount of money and effort is too little to prevent even a single death by cancer.

Yet the fact remains that we have to live in the real world, and the real world includes cost/benefit analysis. It is the reason Obamacare is rejected out of hand by many of the people who are burdened with its implementation and subsequent cost. I have to work with a budget - and if that means I don't have the money to preserve my cat's life (and I love him dearly), then I will have to put him down as humanely as possible. I have - I must have - priorities and disrupting the family to the point where we are out on the street because we took the mortgage money and spent it on Kitty is simply not a good call.

It IS an option. I could be called cold and cruel for not saving my cat. But I would rather preserve my family and a lot of folks feel that way.

So, too, the call for requiring all girls to undergo a vaccine of questionable benefit (except to the pocketbook of the manufacturer) to avoid something that we don't really understand (cancer) and that is not, after all, as big a threat as some folks would have us believe.

The point made by Stan is that, by and large, promiscuity increases the risk of acquiring the disease and the subsequent risk of cancer. Or so we're told.

However, rather than encouraging youth to hold off on sex, we are instead looking for a way to deal with the (rather small) risk of contracting cancer. In other words, rather than exercise restraint, we are doing our best to deal with the almost inevitable risks to health that promiscuous behavior promotes.

Which is easier? Taking a pill to get skinny or combining exercise with sensible portions at the dinner table. That's what it comes down to - not how many MAY die from cancer in the future, but whether folks want to stop their kids from screwing their brains out in junior high - or give them a shot that supposedly prevents potential diseases?

The health food/supplement people know what the average person is like. They know that person will go to great lengths to take what appears to be a cure-all for the consequences of their laziness and slothful lifestyle.

Call that 'morality' if you like. Call it anything you like. It is what it is.

As for my being against profit... well, yes. In this case, the profit is made from fear-mongering and an active desire to let folks do what comes naturally. Because that's where the money is.

Unfortunately for people, what comes naturally eventually destroys them. A cancer in twenty years or a broken marriage, death from a heart attack brought on by too many stops for a "Fourth Meal" at Taco Bell.

You're hoping Science will save us all from the consequences of our laziness, greed and promiscuity. In fact, you insist on it, to the cost and detriment of everyone else. But there's no such thing as a free lunch. Unless you're funding it on the other guy's dime.

I wonder what your take on this would be if you were personally held accountable for the consequences? Do you have a daughter? How are you raising HER?

But all that is moot. I'm thinking as long as someone else pays the bill, you'll defend such a viewpoint to the bitter end. Being a nameless face punching up a bunch of text in a blog's comment section probably doesn't help things.

@Someone: go soak your head.

Quoter said...

"prevention actually poses a greater risk than the disease itself."

Prove that!
Without mixing other issues... Abstinence, laziness, promiscuity, marriage, morality, profit... good luck.

Stan said...

Quoter says,
"Prove that!"

Actually I did not say that; what I produced was CDC studies which demonstrate that the actual risk is unknown (Slade, et. al.) due to the slack in the reporting system and the inability to study most of the deaths which were reported due to having come through the manufacturer.

As I showed, the CDC data risk figures come out to this:

"The maximum cervical cancer death rate, identified at that maximum in four states only, is 40 ppm (0.00004 or 0.004%). Average is probably 20 ppm (0.00002 or 0.002%)."

However, Troll Of Many Names, when factoring in all (or maybe any) of the factors which you arbitrarily removed, the potential for messiahism to justify itself becomes even smaller than the 0.00004 probability. For example, without promiscuity, the probability is zero.

There is never zero risk in taking a serum; Check the CDC site on recalled vaccines, and look at the millions of doses of defective vaccines that were shipped out for use. Those include non-sterile containers (broken vials, partial seals, etc), unknown particulates (including metal in the glass container), improper testing and quality control, improper formulation, improper expiration date, premature expiration of product, mixed products, improper labelling, etc. etc. etc.

I'll give you the link, it is deeply embedded in the CDC site:

There is no guarantee of zero percent safety for any medication of any kind.

There is a zero percent safety guarantee, but it is not administered by the messiahs, and it goes against the messiah's Narrative. So they denigrate that approach, rather than pursue it for its benefits.

That alone demonstrates the hollowness of their claim of empathy for young females, even neglecting the constant daily killing of young females in the leftist abortion abbatoirs.

Stan said...

In retrospect, I should have added:

You cannot prove that to be false... or you would have. So your charge is actually without any weight, and you have no evidence of your own to produce.

So far all the data presented in support of vaccination has been either false or hysterically moralistic. That is not to say that the vaccine is any less safe than any other vaccine, it is to say that it is (a) avoidable based on behavior self-control; (b) possessed with the potential defects of unknown numbers of deaths, and defective vaccine doses, the same as any other vaccine.

Automobile deaths: 0.000179, or 179 ppm, vs cervical cancer at 0.00004, or 40ppm.
(US CENSUS, 2008, per # of registered drivers):

Should all females not get into automobiles? The decision to accept risk in one's behaviors is made every day. It is a human right to do so.

Stan said...

And one further comment.

I have misrepresented nothing regarding this vaccine. The hysterical arguments against my position have - again - been either false, or hysterically moralistic, charging me with abominations for revealing the truths regarding the statistics surrounding the vaccine, statistics from the government websites.

These counter arguments have been lies on all accounts, misusing data and then moralizing as if their demand to vaccinate nine year old girls based on their apparent premise that 9 year old girls will be promiscuous and contract the STD which comes only from promiscuity is a moral truth, just because, well, shut up.

I will not be bullied by Leftist pretensions to morality, because they have no common morality to hold up to the light, other than Atheist consequentialism. Therefore, I will not shut up just because some troll who cannot keep his name straight makes moral accusations. (I actually have no idea how many of you there are, but you all sound identical).

Facts said...

"prevention actually poses a greater risk than the disease itself."

"You cannot prove that to be false... or you would have."

It IS false because there are ZERO deaths attributed to the vaccine and THOUSANDS of deaths attributed to cervical cancer.


"So far all the data presented in support of vaccination has been either false or hysterically moralistic."

This is a flat LIE. All data presented in favour of vaccination has been direct quotes from the DSTD, NCI or similar expert authority. (Ie not a woman's health tabloid Stan.)

The only one making moralistic arguments is YOU.

"For example, without promiscuity, the probability is zero. "

You are an idiot. Do I have to draw you a diagram??

Person A sleeps with Persons 1, 2, 3 and 4 (monogamously if it matters) over the course of X time.

Virgin "Stani" comes along, falls in love with Person A and they live happily ever after.

Except Person 2 had HPV. And now so does Person, 3, 4, A and pure pristine moralistic church going judgmental Stani.

Now Stani has cervical cancer and dies. If that's not blatantly obvious let me know and I'll draw a little picture and email it to you.

And if someone comes across as hysterical (I would prefer passionate or emphatic) that you are spreading quote-mines and LIES that could cost THOUSANDS of LIVES well fucking exxxxxxxxcuuuuuuse me.

OR don't IDGAF.

Quoter said...

"Actually I did not say that"

Was quoting Steven Satak. Guess you didn't notice. Good to know you also don't give a shit about his rambling.

Plus, what Facts said.

Stan said...

Facts, or whoever, says,
"This is a flat LIE. All data presented in favour of vaccination has been direct quotes from the DSTD, NCI or similar expert authority. (Ie not a woman's health tabloid Stan.)

You - whatever you are calling yourself today - quoted an 80% fatality rate for cervical cancer due to HPV STD. That is the level of hysterical lying in which you are engaged.

"You are an idiot. Do I have to draw you a diagram??

Person A sleeps with Persons 1, 2, 3 and 4 (monogamously if it matters) over the course of X time.

Virgin "Stani" comes along, falls in love with Person A and they live happily ever after.

Except Person 2 had HPV. And now so does Person, 3, 4, A and pure pristine moralistic church going judgmental Stani."

This is really, well, irrational to the point of stupid. In a serial monogamy, with monogamous partners, how would person 2 get HPV? From toilet seats? Hardly. If person 2 had sex only monogamously, then person 2 DID NOT HAVE AN STD.

Or perhaps you will claim that person A was NOT monogamous (outside the premise of monogamy) and gave STD's to person B? Sorry. If monogamy is exclusive for all parties, then there is NO OUTSIDE entry point for an STD.

"Now Stani has cervical cancer and dies. If that's not blatantly obvious let me know and I'll draw a little picture and email it to you."

What you claim is flat illogical and rationally impossible, so yes, draw a picture and I'll post it attributable to you.

"And if someone comes across as hysterical (I would prefer passionate or emphatic) that you are spreading quote-mines and LIES that could cost THOUSANDS of LIVES well fucking exxxxxxxxcuuuuuuse me.

OR don't IDGAF."

You have not demonstrated one single lie. You are definitely challenged somehow; so I challenge you to demonstrate one lie, just one which I have promoted.

I have demonstrated your lie, just above, and you have amply demonstrated your own juvenile behavior, not to mention inability to comprehend exclusive sequentiality.

So: Come on, back up your charge. Do it. Show one false thing I have said. Show, for example, that the magazine in question did not, in fact, interview Dr Harper, and that Dr Harper did not express what both the magazine and the Wikipedia page said about her concerns, based on the published report by Dr Slade.

You provide no evidence to support your claims against me; you provide only hysterical histrionics, and completely false self-righteous, false morality.

You have no counter evidence, do you?

Of course not. You would have provided it, dispassionately, and civilly. But I think you are not capable of that.

Show otherwise.

Stan said...

I think that you are "Facts" and all the other sock puppets which currently infest this thread.

All you have is insults, nothing more, or you would have provided it.

You are exemplary of the thought process of much of the vocal AtheoLeft: you think that aggression proves the truth of your charges, so that evidence is not required. (Nietzsche's Will To Power) It doesn't work here. Your lack of rationality is displayed openly for anyone who happens by to see.

Facts said...

"You - whatever you are calling yourself today - quoted an 80% fatality rate for cervical cancer due to HPV STD. That is the level of hysterical lying in which you are engaged."

No I did not. I said 8/10 women get HPV. "("About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. ")" <-- actual quote from me. So there is yet ANOTHER LIE FROM STAN.

Here's another lie:
""...the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of him being struck by a meteorite"."

Here is another:

"In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer"

Here is another:

"At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines."

Here is the evidence that these are lies:

You've said all my data is false or moralistic. Yet all my data is quoted from the NCI or similar. So another LIE.

" If monogamy is exclusive for all parties, then there is NO OUTSIDE entry point for an STD. "

This is irrational to the point of stupidity. You cannot rely on EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD to be monogamous to protect YOURSELF from an STD.

There are FIVE false things, and ONE incredibly stupid thing you have said.

“I provide a balanced picture to my patients and their families and am not at all upset if they refuse the vaccine, especially at younger ages,” Dr. Harper says. “I think it may be more appropriate for some people to decide they want to be vaccinated at age 16, 18 or 20 — whichever age makes the most sense for them to have protection from infection.”

“The argument that someone should get the vaccine at age 11 because by the time they’re 18, they’ll have a 50 percent chance of having had sex and the vaccine won’t work, is true at face value,” Dr. Harper says. “But it may very well be that the age at which a person decides to get vaccinated is very personally determined. It’s much more appropriate to decide what the risk is as a family or as a person.”

“The importance of the vaccine is not [solely] one of cancer protection, but one of health economics in reducing the number of procedures a young person with HPV is likely to get in his or her lifetime,” Dr. Harper says.

“The message physicians have received ... is that you have to push the vaccine,” Dr. Harper says. “That’s absolutely the wrong way to present these vaccinations. What physicians need to be saying is that the vaccine is available, and it’s useful.”

-> Published Monday, July 01, 2013

Does that sound like she "has had a conscience attack, and has come clean? Of course not. So you claiming she HAS IS ANOTHER LIE.

I don't care for dispassion, nor for civility with liars.

The Facts however, are there. Consider yourself Shown Otherwise.

Facts said...

Who is at risk for HPV?
Anyone who is having (or has ever had) sex can get HPV. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually-active men and women get it at some point in their lives. This is true even for people who only have sex with one person in their lifetime.

How common are HPV and health problems caused by HPV?
HPV (the virus): Approximately 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. About 14 million people become newly infected each year. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually-active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives.
Genital warts: About 360,000 persons in the U.S. get genital warts each year.
Cervical cancer: About 10,300 women in the U.S. get cervical cancer each year.
Other cancers that can be caused by HPV, including some vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers: Each year in the U.S., HPV is thought to cause an estimated
2,100 vulvar cancers,
500 vaginal cancers,
600 penile cancers,
2,800 anal cancers in women,
1,500 anal cancers in men,
1,700 oropharyngeal cancers in women,* and
6,700 oropharyngeal cancers in men.*
*Note: Other factors, notably tobacco and alcohol use, may also play a role with HPV to cause these cancers.
About 21,000 of these cancers are potentially preventable by HPV vaccines.

So please, tell me some more about how this can all be avoided via monogamy.

Quoter said...

"you think that aggression proves the truth of your charges, so that evidence is not required."

I am not Facts, I merely quote your worst comments Stan. This one being current example. You are the one who uses this technique the most. You so support 'some' of your claims, I won't lie by saying you never do, but you insert way more insults and biased aggressions against those you despise. You are what you complain about Stan!

Stan said...

Troll Du Jour,

Here's your actual quote:
"What you are effectively advocating is a death sentence for promiscuous behavior. ("About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. ") This seems reasonable, from your perch of absolute morality? 8/10 women? Fuck them right. Sluts. No pun intended."

You cannot quote only part of your accusation and expect to get away with it. Lying is lying.

I did not make these statements and you know it. They are from the article.

Here's another lie:
""...the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of him being struck by a meteorite"."

Here’s some actual data from an astronomer:
” Astronomer Alan Harris has made that calculation. Allowing for the number of Earth-crossing asteroids — the kind that can hit us because their orbits around the Sun intersect ours — as well as how much damage they can do (which depends on their size), he calculated that any person’s lifetime odds of being killed by an asteroid impact are about 1 in 700,000.”

Now, you will likely quibble about the difference between being struck and being killed. So be it.

The following are from the article I quoted; there is an error in the first paragraph, where it should have said “all” rather than “any”. It contradicts itself in the second sentence, which is correct:

”Here is another:

"In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer"”

This should have said the following:

”"In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent all cancer" (referring to cervical cancer and other HPV cancers).

Support from Wikipedia:
” Current preventive vaccines reduce, but do not eliminate the chance of getting cervical cancer. “

The following statement from the article is false, as charged, but the numbers are also not known, per Slade,, and are variously reported as 23, 32, and “none”. So exactly how many really have died, and how do you know that it is not 44?

”Here is another:

"At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines."
”As of 1 September 2009, there have been 44 U.S. reports of death among females who have received the vaccine.[47] None of the 27 confirmed deaths of women and girls who had taken the vaccine were linked to the vaccine”.

What the CDC actually said is that many of the deaths could not be confirmed as being caused by the vaccine because they did not trend as expected. Some of the deaths were due to automobile crashes. So the use of the number 44 is not justified. The CDC and FDA sites do falsify those parts of the article.

”Here is the evidence that these are lies:

Stan said...

”" If monogamy is exclusive for all parties, then there is NO OUTSIDE entry point for an STD. "

This is irrational to the point of stupidity. You cannot rely on EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD to be monogamous to protect YOURSELF from an STD. “

So you admit that your claim is not really about monogamy as you first asserted, which would work, of course; your claim is that sexual adventurism is to be expected rather than monogamy. So no one can be trusted under your scenario. I actually agree, up to a point: Atheists, Leftists, and their pagan accommodators of moral degradation cannot be trusted: that is a valid point. Sexual promiscuity is rampant due to the new morality of paganism.

”Does that sound like she "has had a conscience attack, and has come clean? Of course not. So you claiming she HAS IS ANOTHER LIE.

First, you do not annotate your claim, so it is rejected until you do. Second, the Wiki page indicates clearly that she DID in fact, come to have concerns about the safety of Gardasil (you like Wiki, right? Here it is):

”Although, in 2008, she stated that Gardasil "is a good vaccine generally safe,"[7] in recent years, mainly beginning in 2009, Harper has questioned the safety of Gardasil, and has appeared at conferences held by the National Vaccine Information Center, an antivaccination advocacy group, and has also appeared in The Greater Good.[8] As evidence that the vaccine may be unsafe, she points to research by Barbara Slade,[9] stating,

‘Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year. Indeed, the risks of vaccination are underreported in Slade's article, as they are based on a denominator of doses distributed from Merck's warehouse. Up to a third of those doses may be in refrigerators waiting to be dispensed as the autumn onslaught of vaccine messages is sent home to parents the first day of school. Should the denominator in Dr. Slade's work be adjusted to account for this, and then divided by three for the number of women who would receive all three doses, the incidence rate of serious adverse events increases up to five fold.[4]’

“In an interview[when?] with the Huffington Post, Harper stated that pap smears alone prevent more cancer than vaccines alone.[3] She has also argued that HPV vaccination may be unnecessary because "Ninety-five percent of women who are infected with HPV never, ever get cervical cancer."[10] Harper has stated that she advocates personal choice and an individualized approach to HPV vaccination, saying that she provides "a balanced picture to my patients and their families and am not at all upset if they refuse the vaccine, especially at younger ages."[11] Harper has also stated that "more than 70 healthy young girls have died from a neurological reaction that occurred soon after getting Gardasil."[12]

Your charge is false.

”Anyone who is having (or has ever had) sex can get HPV”

That is false. It is false for serial monogamists. We do exist, although you won’t believe it. Those who are not promiscuous don’t believe that others are not. This prejudicial due to blinkered worldviews.

Stan said...

” HPV is so common that nearly all sexually-active men and women get it at some point in their lives. This is true even for people who only have sex with one person in their lifetime.”

Again the presumption is that everyone screws around willy nilly, so even one encounter would be with a promiscuous partner. That assumes that one encounter would be a single point of sexual adventurism. Chains of unbroken monogamy will not get HPV or any STD, period.

”So please, tell me some more about how this can all be avoided via monogamy.”

You are correct, it cannot, because monogamy is no longer practiced: widely spread promiscuity is practiced. What is practiced in the USA is complete disregard for STDs, cancer, AIDs, faithfulness, integrity and honesty. I have agreed with that from the beginning. However, it is still true that abstinence and monogamy, when practiced as a culture, would have avoided these STDs, and has done so in the past. Even when practiced serially in a subculture, which is happening even today, the STDs are avoided. They do not come from toilet seats; they come from outside contact, genital to genital, or genital to mouth. The problem lies in the new culture of irresponsible and prolific, faithless and recreational, promiscuous and careless sexual activity, which is highlighted and worshipped by the media, and especially Hollywood, thereby indoctrinating the youth with sexual irresponsibility for three generations now; the drive to eliminate morality as a cultural ideal is responsible for the culture, a drive directly from the Atheist Left. And it is now an all new, faux morality: save the poor wretches that we have destroyed. We are the heroes. We shall save everyone from the consequences of the new amorality which we created. There shall be no consequences which falsify the new amorality.

As I said before, you cannot accomplish your mission to save the irresponsible generations which have been created – unless they are absolutely forced into your regimen. And the irresponsible will not take that any more lightly than the libertarians will. Further, the responsible, monogamous, will not need it, so they will not take forcing lightly either. Your accommodation of the new amoral pagan culture which you on the Left have created will just not happen.

Stan said...

Quoter said...
"you think that aggression proves the truth of your charges, so that evidence is not required."

I am not Facts, I merely quote your worst comments Stan. This one being current example. You are the one who uses this technique the most. You so support 'some' of your claims, I won't lie by saying you never do, but you insert way more insults and biased aggressions against those you despise. You are what you complain about Stan!

I can support everything I say. The Left is exactly what it is, despite their claims and protests which are empty of content, and full of moralizing. You want to refute that, then do it. You want to call it hate, then do it. You want to prove something, then provide actual proof as in evidence. Your activity here is without meaning.

I really don't believe you are a separate person; you (all?) use the same dodges, fallacies and avoidances. Usually separate people sound like separate people.

If you can prove something then make a case.

It's that simple.

Quoter said...

Facts seem to want to engage you. I don't. I quote (some of) your worst:

"Atheists, Leftists, and their pagan accommodators of moral degradation cannot be trusted: that is a valid point. Sexual promiscuity is rampant due to the new morality of paganism."

Atheists and Leftists can call you immoral too. Your values are horrible for humankind. Teens around you are more likely to get STDs and abortions. You live in a fantasy world where people need to act like you or be labeled as immoral.

R.M. Lee said...

Papillomavirus is resistant to desiccation.

Roden RB, Lowy DR, Schiller JT.
Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4040, USA.

There is strong epidemiologic evidence for sexual transmission of high-risk genital human papillomavirus (HPV) types. However, it is unclear if infection may also be transmitted indirectly via fomites. To assess this possibility, the in vitro infectivity after desiccation was compared for pseudotype HPV-16 virions, a model for high-risk type genital HPV, and bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1), a papillomavirus known to be transmitted via fomites. The 2 viruses had similar resistance to desiccation in cell extracts, retaining approximately 100%, 50%, and 30% of infectivity when dehydrated for 1, 3, and 7 days, respectively, at room temperature.
Pseudotype HPV-16 and BPV in cell extracts were completely inactivated by autoclave treatment and susceptible to 70% ethanol but were resistant to EDTA or incubation at 56 degrees C for 1 h. The data suggest that further study of nonsexual spread of high-risk genital HPV via fomites is warranted.

PMID: 9333171

If this scares you, I'd point out the much maligned toilet seat is a remarkably ineffective fomite and not in the same league as 'public enemy number one'- the shared towel! HPV can be transmitted by sexual activity, not exclusively. I think this casts the moral concerns in a different light. I believe the prevention of great harm at slight risk is a more morally correct course of action. Does the prevention of harm in this case outweigh the risk of vaccine use? I agree with the vast majority of those who are qualified in this area: yes, yes, yes.

Quoter said...

Quoting the worst... and the best!

What he said:
"I believe the prevention of great harm at slight risk is a more morally correct course of action. Does the prevention of harm in this case outweigh the risk of vaccine use? I agree with the vast majority of those who are qualified in this area: yes, yes, yes."

Stan said...

First off, you apparently are here merely to pass judgment, moral judgment as if you were a moral authority; yet your morals are transparently merely anti-morals, where you just wish to cancel any outside influence on Leftist messiahism.

” Atheists and Leftists can call you immoral too. Your values are horrible for humankind”

Well of course the Atheist Left would call me immoral; I question their destruction of society via destruction of self-restraint, self-discipline, and every vestige of character development: destruction which they have done consciously as they pursue the installation of the new Leftist Amorality. Any suggestion of old-fashioned values such as personal responsibility, or restraint, or self-discipline are immoral. This now infests the leadership of this nation and pretty much all nations of the west. What the Left calls “moral” is actually a defense of the inability of modern generations to discern between their genitalia and their minds, and at high levels the inability to discern between indulgence and destruction: a defect installed in modern government schools which dole out condoms to the kids, who are expected to use them, of course (they are too weak to do otherwise). As has been shown in this conversation, not only is sexual responsibility ignored, it is deemed immoral to even suggest it, and has resulted in amoral outrage accompanied by faux moralization from those who defend amorality. Sexual responsibility is “horrible for humankind”.

” Teens around you are more likely to get STDs and abortions.

Very likely true, if they are influenced by your pitiful claim for their inability to think for themselves and to show spine, a demeaning attitude which is abusive to youth because it is widely invoked and thus internalized. The youth of America today, largely are influenced to believe just what you claimed about them. They are unable – actually disabled by culture – to show any inclination of personal responsibility, because, well, it’s just not done these days: it’s an all new Leftist amorality and rejection of all restraints which are not Leftist.

”You live in a fantasy world where people need to act like you or be labeled as immoral.”

What I live in is a Brave New World where degeneracy is condoned, not just condoned but institutionalized, and personal responsibility is called “horrible for mankind”, ostensibly because the new Leftist culture of degeneracy has rotted the teen’s ethos to the point where they can absolutely not restrain that which has always been restrainable by previous generations.

”The tenth rule of the ethics of the means and ends is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments”

The AtheoLeft has no morals which are consistent and universal; the morals of the AtheoLeft are self-derived, consequentialist, faux moral attacks on any behavioral restraints from outside the Left. What the Left does have is a consistent Narrative which starts with their superiority morally and intellectually, a self-endowed fallacy; it includes a need to appear to be saviors of the oppressed, which of course demands a set of Victims which must remain Victims, and a set of Oppressors to be vilified as “immoral” and “horrible for mankind”, not to mention “racist”, “sexist”, and whatever other vituperation the Left can muster in its smears. That, for the Left, is moral because it furthers the Narrative of Leftist moral superiority - despite their lack of any code of morality which is not attached to their own self-perceived “superiority”.

"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means."

Yes, that Alinskyism is the crux of the new AtheoLeftist Amorality.

”All effective actions require the passport of morality”

As if there were an actual morality beyond Alinsky’s tactics and Leftist self-superior messiahism.

bEEarcub said...

HPV can spread by skin-to-skin contact, or even more remotely (skin-surface-skin). Sex is not required. It's the most common conduit, but it's not required. The guy who got HPV from a wrestling mat in HS can give his wife cervical cancer, even if they never had sex with anyone else. Regardless, more than half of all males have it.

I just find it insane that anyone would fight against an easy prevention of early deaths just so they can try and use that grave dancing to make some 'moral' lesson on how something that they've tried to keep as dangerous as possible.

Stan said...

RM Lee,
Regarding the paper which you reference: it is 15 years old, published in 1997. There has been no redefinition of HPV from an STD and the CDC retains its comments regarding sexual transmission only. This is bolstered by its epidemiological data.

Reviewing portions of the paper:
From the text:

”The limited epidemiologic and molecular data to date do not suggest that transmission of genital HPV via fomites is common.”

The contrary to this is contained in anecdotes.

It goes on:
In contrast [to the shedding of HPV and BVP in dessicated skin squames], high-risk genital HPVs are normally shed into mucus secretions of the genital tract, and their propensity to spread via fomites has not been determined.

However, the fomites are suspected to be possible vectors. This does not comport with CDC epidemiological data, so there is a conflict, one which apparently is resolved in favor of the CDC, given the date of the paper and the current position of the CDC. If it is determined that non-sexual transmission is a significant factor, then the designation of HPV as an STD would be changed to reflect fomite transmission. While this has been shown possible, it has not been shown to be a significant factor in the population…yet, even after a decade and a half.

The paper concludes that (a) dessication is insufficient to inactivate the HPV; (b) the half life of the HPV is roughly 3 days, which seems serious but apparently is not; and (c) more study is needed to determine whether fomites are a serious vector for HPV.

So the rejoicing of the true believers in this news is premature. Especially considering that the date on the paper is 1997.

Stan said...

"I just find it insane that anyone would fight against an easy prevention of early deaths just so they can try and use that grave dancing to make some 'moral' lesson on how something that they've tried to keep as dangerous as possible."

STDs are not caused by anything other than sexual contact, unless you have some other evidence to present. The paper referenced above is not reflected in the CDC's position or its data.

Sexual adventurism is the main cause if not the only cause for STDs such as HPV: your accusation of grave dancing is an inversion of the facts: the culture of free and unencumbered sex is the problem here, not the advocacy of self-discipline. It is a Leftist creation of anti-morality, which you promote, rather than any promotion of responsible behavior.

What an inversion of logic: self-discipline is now "keeping it as dangerous as possible". It is illogic which is irrational, and it is irrationality which indicates insanity.

And in case you just tuned in, I do not advocate not innoculating; I advocate for the Right To Choose (sound familiar? Keep your laws off her body - remember that?)

Now tell me how beneficial to young girls aborting them is.

Troll Du Jour said...

"You - whatever you are calling yourself today - quoted an 80% fatality rate for cervical cancer due to HPV STD. That is the level of hysterical lying in which you are engaged."

This is beyond idiotic. I said 8/10 women get HPV. You say that is a risk they chose to take for non-monogamous life style. Ie 8/10 women: fuck them right?

My very first sentence in this thread is a quote of how many actual deaths are due to cervical cancer.

I've listed the ACTUAL number of HPV related cancers multiple times.

So you are once again lying.

”"In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent all cancer""

First you change the entire meaning of that sentence - fine (although I note you haven't actually changed the quote in your article). But second, no one claimed it stops ALL forms of HPV related cancers. I posted right above how many HPV related cancers it is believed to stop (~70%). So instead of a blatant lie, we have a slippery weasel word of a lie. So much better.

"The following statement from the article is false, as charged, but the numbers are also not known, per Slade,, and are variously reported as 23, 32, and “none”. So exactly how many really have died, and how do you know that it is not 44? "

Wow you concede you are spreading at least two crucial bits of misinformation, this is progress. Can you also concede the possibility of 44 deaths is less than the certainty of thousands of deaths? Can you concede that those deaths have NOT been attributed to the vaccine, making your actual quote a LIE.

"”So please, tell me some more about how this can all be avoided via monogamy.”

You are correct, it cannot,"

Excellent, you agree monogamy is not a viable inoculation against HPV. Sure sure, it's all the lefts fault.

”Anyone who is having (or has ever had) sex can get HPV”

That is false. It is false for serial monogamists."

Except you just conceded that HPV cannot be avoided via monogamy. And the CDC has multiple quotes backing me here. Listed above.

Regardless of your pipe dream of cultural monogamy, the evidence points out that comprehensive sex ed is better at reducing teen pregnancy and STDs than abstinence-only ed.

I'm not for forcing anyone to take anything. I am for accurate information. So you can just exit that entire angle of attack.

Re Wiki Article:

"Ben Goldacre contacted Harper about this story, and she replied that she was misquoted, saying, “I did not say that Cervarix was as deadly as cervical cancer. I did not say that Cervarix could be riskier or more deadly than cervical cancer. I did not say that Cervarix was controversial, I stated that Cervarix is not a ‘controversial drug’. I did not ‘hit out’ – I was contacted by the press for facts. And this was not an exclusive interview.” She also noted that the story seemed to have mixed up Gardasil and Cervarix, which are, as she put it, "are not the same vaccines."[14] The Sunday Express would later issue a correction, in which they acknowledged that there is no evidence that Cervarix was ineffective, and that "Cervarix in fact provides protection against the viruses that cause 70 per cent of cervical cancers."[13]" <- source for previous quotes.

Quoter said...

"you apparently are here merely to pass judgment, moral judgment as if you were a moral authority; yet your morals are transparently merely anti-morals"

That is YOU Stan! That's what your blog shows, that's how YOU are! You can lump everybody you hate together and call them AtheoLeft if you want, but that just make YOU look worse, as an INDIVIDUAL. YOU are the horrible one here Stan. YOU are the problem as a SINGLE person. Keep complaining and generalizing instead of proving that you care about something, whatever that may be... who knows!? As of now, all you do is to show everyone else that you are cynical, delusional, hateful, and WRONG.

Stan said...

"That is YOU Stan! That's what your blog shows, that's how YOU are! "

So you admit that you have nothing to contribute but constant Tu Quoques?

You seem to be so inculcated with the "tolerant" Atheoleftist intolerance of criticism that you cannot address the issues, you can only call criticism "cynical, delusional, hateful, and WRONG".

The Left must not be criticised; it is "cynical, delusionsl, hateful,and WRONG" to criticise them and their invasive, hegemonic, moral-free attack on American culture.

One can certainly presume that if you had any evidence which goes contrary to the positions I take that you would use that evidence in support of your case.

You do not. You merely make your Ad Hominem, evidence-free accusations as if you are some sort of moral priest of the Left.

Go your own way. You are a useless waste of my time.

Quoter said...

"The Left must not be criticised"

Another lie. Another misunderstanding.
Criticism is good!

"You merely make your Ad Hominem, evidence-free accusations"

The evidence is YOUR quotes. YES I attack YOU. Quoting your worst sentences makes these attack self-evident.

"Go your own way. You are a useless waste of my time."

Because Stan must not be criticized!!
YOU are what you complain about.

Quoter said...

One more quote; Stan's reply to Troll Du Jour's latest argument:

" "

You preferred to complain about quotes instead of addressing arguments!

YOU are what you complain about.

Steven Satak said...

@Stan: my apologies for mis-interpreting your comments. Apparently I did not read them thoroughly enough. You have enough trouble here without my muddying the water!