Saturday, January 11, 2014

That Didn't Take Long: Atheist "MegaChurch" Splits Up

Because Atheism is based on NO principles save hatred of religion, there is not much to bind them into an ideologically coherent and compatible congregation. In fact, every Atheist is free to determine his own moral system, if any, and to determine just how elite he personally is, relative to the other elites. So the concept of a universal Atheist MegaChurch is immediately on shaky grounds, right from its inception. Personal conflict seems inevitable since there is no core of fundamentals which is not based solely in the individual self.

So here's what happened (apparently). The originators of the Atheist megachurch concept wanted to be at least somewhat friendly to non-Atheists too, so as not to spook them. This apparently enraged the Fundamentalists, who broke away and started a new denomination, called the "Godless Revival".

The originating megachurch, called the "Sunday Assembly" was denigrated by the breakaways as being a "humanistic cult".

Besides dogma issues, the Sunday Assembly also has financial woes:
The Sunday Assembly recently fell short of its £500,000 fundraising goal, only bringing in £33,668. While the founders expressed disappointment, they pledged to forge on.
This bodes ill for the concept of Atheist generosity and empathy. Not to mention the "mega" part of the group. Reaching less than 7% of their financial target should be some sort of clue. At £100 per Atheist, that is 336 Atheists, hardly a gathering worthy of the term "mega". Conversely, if there were 33,668 Atheists, that comes to £1 per Atheists.

One thing about the Atheist "mega"-"Churches": they give some empirical insight into Atheists and Atheism.

Much more here.


Steven Satak said...

Now, Stan. You knew it was only a matter of a few months before folks who worship themselves would find it intolerable to tolerate worshipping anything else. Even non-Deity. And the idea that anyone practiced anything but Scientism... well, you knew the Atheist Fundamentalists would balk at that right away.

Thank God there are not as many of them as their shrill internet blogs would suggest. I don't think I could stand that much silliness and self-will.

Michael said...

As with the homosexual community, their actual numbers are few, but those few will raise a huge ruckus so as to give the impression of being much greater in number than actually is. A deliberate strategy to aggrandize their appearance. That's why they swarm videos and articles on topics related to atheism, evolution and religion.

Stan said...

All self-endowed elites tend to be very loud and self-righteous, especially if they hate the culture into which they are born. In fact, being elite it is virtually necessary to hate the culture into which you are born, because you are superior to it, yet cannot change it very much.

Which is why the AtheoLeft is desperate to save abortion; it is the one elitist killing right which they have achieved, and it must be protected at all cost. Abortion is necessary for their "progress" toward the elitist-controlled utopia which they all crave.

But they ignore that the right to kill has historically led to killing purges within their own ranks. They are historically ignorant by their own Choice.

Michael said...

I would imagine the real reason they want to protect abortion and contraception is for population reduction. The oft-repeated claim that Earth is overpopulated is bogus, a lie perpetrated to create a false sense of urgency, i.e. another problem-reaction-solution paradigm similar to the global warming scam and (most) terrorism. God provides more than enough food, water, energy and resources for everybody. It's greedy people who seek to exploit fear and anxiety in order to lord over everything. Then when people starve and suffer as a consequence, people, mostly secular, trot out the deception, "If God cares about everybody then why are so many people homeless and starving?" It's all due to mankind's sinful nature.

Robert Coble said...

Worshippers of the Void, UNITE!

"We who are nothing, created by NOTHING from nothing, mere particles of mass and energy, having no value, no purpose, no meaning, respectfully worship the creative powers of statistical IMPROBABILITY to create ex nihilo, nothing from nothing. No good, no evil, just totally accidental arrangements of atoms, quarks, and other components of the purely physical universe, with blind indifference to any other accidental collections of energy and mass - WE WORSHIP YOU, THE VOID OF NOTHINGNESS!"

Now there's a spiritual set of concepts that will really inspire enthusiastic supporters!

(I apologize in advance to any members of the Sunday Assembly and the Godless Revival who might be offended by my parody of your actual creed, whatever it might be. You do have to admit it's kind of funny (strange? insane?) to have schisms over the question of belief in nothing and the various shades of that belief in nothing which must be held to be true unequivocally, or else you will be damned from the "official" Congregation of the Void and cast into outer nothingness forever.)

ROTFLMAO! (Forgive me: I seem to be in the grip of that old religious "devil"!)

TJay said...

It seems to me the more militant Atheists become the more they resemble their predecessors of the communist era.

Michael said...

TJ, that's because communism is the direct result/consequence of giving militant atheists power.

TJay said...


In a previous post you mentioned that the death toll by communist regimes are close to 100 million.You might wanna check out this link which only gives mid estimate numbers of 149,469,610 but the actual figures are close to 259 million.

Michael said...

TJ, nobody knows with absolute certainty how many have really been killed by communism. Historians have to form estimates off of what they know, but it's impossible to get an exact count since these dictatorships probably weren't in the habit of tallying death rates, let alone freely disseminating pertinent info so as to incriminate themselves.

After all, they convinced themselves that what they were doing was good, logical and necessary. They had no moral laws to adhere to and certainly weren't going to tolerate Christianity.