Friday, January 10, 2014

Why Should Anyone Accept Apologies When They Meant What They Said?

Headline at Washington Times:
BRUCE: Exposing liberal apologies, Palin and Romney shouldn’t forgive MSNBC hosts
Melissa Harris-Perry and Martin Bashir expose liberalism’s hatred, paranoia and cruelty
"This is all well and good if the issue at hand truly was a “mistake” delivered by someone of good will. When dealing with partisan liberals, however, neither of those apply.

Arguing for harm to come to someone because you disagree with them is neither a mistake nor an accident. It’s a contemplated idea, cultivated into a message and delivered as an argument. Targeting a toddler for derision because it serves a political agenda isn’t something that mistakenly pops into someone’s head. It springs from an existing loathsome well.

It would be valuable for today’s conservative leadership to recognize that comments like Mr. Bashir’s and Ms. Harris-Perry’s aren’t mistakes — they are public illustrations of what sits at the core of today’s liberalism — hatred, paranoia and cruelty.

We all understand that people in the public arena will be the focus of debate and heated comments. They will be called names and accused of being everything from stupid to even dangerous. Politicians and public figures recognize and accept this is part of the public forum.

What I’m speaking of here is something inherently different. It is a very specific illustration of what American liberalism has become, and it must be confronted.
This has been obvious since the Leftist trashing of every non-Leftist candidate for the US Supreme Court. Women conservatives were spared no obscenity. Conservative blacks were denied their ethnic heritage. There is no invective to low to be uttered on TV by Leftists, as Bashir demonstrated.

The Right is forced to take it and then forgive the smarmy and obviously false apologies which come from the same vile lips that cursed them. The Left does not ever respond in kind, however, and curses the likes of Sarah Palin, forever.

It's time to not allow these vicious actors off the hook. Their continuous foul mouthing should be condemned loud and long, and when they weepingly apologize it should be condemned again, because they do not stop. And they will not stop. It is their current mode of persecution.


Michael said...

Here's where I'm going to disagree with you, Stan. We're instructed by Jesus to forgive, to show mercy so as to obtain it ourselves. Even if those were forced apologies by Bashir and Harris-Perry, it's between them and Palin/Romney.

Steven Satak said...

I agree with Michael. Forgive the sin, love the sinner - but this does not mean 'condone the sin and continue to let the sinner lather, rinse and repeat ad infinitum'.

The hatred alters you for the worse. You have to let it go. But that does not mean you must trust the liars on the Left, or stop pointing out their mistakes, outright attacks and stupidity.

Of course they give themselves a pass when it comes to their own behavior. Alinsky all over again. And of course they are tearful - you would be too, if you'd been caught with your hand in the cookie jar and chewed out by your senior staff.

They will never stop. The difference is that they are so filled with ego at this point, they think they have us all fooled. And because of that, they will ALWAYS try it again.

Michael said...

Steven, it goes without saying that we shouldn't condone bad behavior, that we should expose the evil to the light. Otherwise, we become complicit through our indifference.

Wherever government and media figues go corrupt, they always try to bully, intimidate and shut down any resistance to their agenda, so that weak-willed people will shrink into a corner for fear of reprisal. It's their modus operandi.

Still, we must be fearless advocates for truth and set the right example.

Stan said...

There is a difference (in my mind) between personal forgiveness and public forgiveness.

As with the Islamicists, forgiveness is seen as weakness, and opportunity. There is much in common between Islamicists and the AtheoLeft (except that Islamicists are at least consistent to a set of principles, however evil).

Michael said...

Ah, but whatever MSNBC's hosts said about Palin and Romney, regardless if done in public view, is not a transgression against the general public. Therefore it's not for us to decide whether or not to forgive them.