Saturday, March 8, 2014

An Ex-Atheist By Way Of Reason

Becoming an Atheist at the age of 13 is not necessarily fatal to rationality:
I am an ex-atheist. Although I’m still at the beginning stages of formal conversion, I identify Jewish as you might have noticed from some previous posts (and my Twitter). I wasn’t raised Jewish. When I was very young I vaguely recall being taken to church but I can’t even tell you what denomination of Christianity it was. Since I was not really old enough to form a mature and informed opinion on the existence of God until I was about 13–which was when I began to self-identify as an atheist–it’s probably accurate to say that I was a lifetime atheist until the age of 36.
If you're interested read the whole thing.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...


This is off-topic, but your main site has been suspended. Is there a problem? I can help with funding if need be.
