Sunday, March 9, 2014

Abortions To Protect Endangered Animals: Obama's Budget

Real question: Does Obama’s budget fund overseas abortions to protect endangered animals?

No, seriously — does it? I know, I know: The question itself sounds like a stupid conservative caricature of liberal excess. But a friend sent along the text of the following provision, which is buried on page 930 of the president’s FY 2015 budget proposal. She thought it looked “fishy.” I must agree:

Perhaps a budget expert can steer me in the right direction here, but that passage certainly reads like a proposal to allocate $575 million in taxpayer dollars to fund abortions (“reproductive health” is the correct euphemism, yes?) in corners of the globe where human population growth is deemed (by whom?) to be “threatening” plants and animals. A creepy Malthusian dystopia. I keep trying to convince myself that I must be misinterpreting this, but I also remember that upon entering office, President Obama appointed a “science czar” with a disturbing paper trail. In a 2009 Politifact analysis – which rated some conservative criticisms of John Holdren “pants on fire” false — the left-leaning fact-checkers conceded that Holdren did, in fact, co-author a volume that discussed a number of radical population control measures:
In a section on “Involuntary Fertility Control,” Holdren and the other authors discuss various “coercive” means of population control — including putting sterilants in the drinking water. But they stop well short of advocating such measures…Later, the authors conclude, “Most of the population control measures beyond family planning discussed above have never been tried. Some are as yet technically impossible and others are and probably will remain unacceptable to most societies … ”Compulsory control of family size is an unpalatable idea, but the alternatives may be much more horrifying”…The authors argue that compulsory abortions could potentially be allowed under U.S. law “if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.” Again, that’s a far cry from advocating or proposing such a position
Sure. The Left's most searing concern is the environment above all else. It is reported today that Kerry urges US ambassadors to make climate change a top priority. Forget all that local politics and terrorism stuff; AGW is more important. So why wouldn't killing fetal humans subsume to animal populations?


Robert Coble said...

(Link: pg 106.

The text as provided is accurate. It is in the Appendix (I think; I'm in a rush to get to work!)


On page 21 is the following prohibitions:

Provided further, That none of the funds made available under this Act may be used to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions: Provided further, That nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to alter any existing statutory prohibitions against abortion under section 104 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961: Provided further, That none of the funds made available under this Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion: Provided further, That in order to reduce reliance on abortion in develop-ing nations, funds shall be available only to voluntary family planning
projects which offer, either directly or through referral to, or information about access to, a broad range of family planning methods and services, and that any such voluntary family planning project shall meet the fol-
lowing requirements:

Stan said...

Perhaps this is a case where the Left's Orwellian inverted meanings get in the way of actual policy.

It is the case that when the Left refers to women's healthcare or family planning or reproductive healthcare or reproductive services, they are using code for abortion. At least the Leftist political lexicon is that way.

It does appear that Sec [7018] 7013 on page 912 adequately prohibits the funding of abortion and involuntary sterilizations.

I recall that one of Obama's original objectives was to fund abortion abroad; it looks like that isn't going to happen. I should have taken the time to look it up.

Robert Coble said...

Even given the express prohibition of funding abortion, when coupled with the propensity of this President to achieve through fiat what he cannot achieve through the legislative process, the prohibition language actually means - NOTHING. He will do whatever he wants to do because he has a pen and a phone.

(I can only wonder: is that one of those Obamaphones?!?)