The Fight for Faith or The Attack on Atheists?At this site Kevin Davis analyzes the Atheism-Religion war thus:
"Atheists are portrayed as iconoclasts, out to destroy all that is holy–sinners who want to crush the American way–menaces fighting faith. However, the reality of the situation is quite the contrary and secularism is at the heart of the situation:.There is no actual difference between secularism and Atheism; secularism is a wholly subsidiary subset of Atheism: it is a lack of god(s), but applied to the public arena. So it is clearly Atheism forced into the public arena. To argue that this is not the case is false, logically and morally.
Davis is upset about plaques in Southern schools which are blatantly Christian; the Wisconsin-based FFRF is attacking the school, of course, because it is what they do: bully small fry with huge lawsuits based on no legal grounding or Constitutional grounding whatsoever. They have no other reason for existing. And in this particular article, South hatred plays a part, as will be seen at the end. Let's enter his argument where it seems to start:
" Although it may be true that there are over six million attendees every weekend at megachurches (according to a recent MSNBC article), the religious beliefs, or non-beliefs, of others should be respected according to the First Amendment to the Constitution. To assume that every Texan, or every Southerner—or even every American—is a Christian is not only moot, but ridiculous as well. How an individual identifies with religion need not matter to the public, including in our public schools. I argue that religion itself has no business in matters of government, unless the rituals and practices cause emotional or physical harm to others. When interpreted properly, the First Amendment protects religious freedoms, which include Satanists, Muslims, and Atheists, whether opponents like it or not."
Since this author commented on the syntax of an opponent it seems fair to return the effort. Let's take this line by line:
"Although it may be true that there are over six million attendees every weekend at megachurches (according to a recent MSNBC article), the religious beliefs, or non-beliefs, of others should be respected according to the First Amendment to the Constitution."This sentence has a premise which is unrelated to the conclusion. And just watch the conclusion be driven toward Atheism-only as we move along.
"To assume that every Texan, or every Southerner—or even every American—is a Christian is not only moot, but ridiculous as well."The author wants Atheism-only under the guise of secularism; so assuming that every American is an Atheist is also ridiculous - logically self-defeating. This sentence also is a tolerance ruse; theists must tolerate Atheism-secularism-only, but Atheists cannot tolerate religion in any form in public venues.
"How an individual identifies with religion need not matter to the public, including in our public schools."This is a lie; Atheism is the only possible relationship which Atheists want to be allowed; all others are not to be tolerated.
"I argue that religion itself has no business in matters of government, unless the rituals and practices cause emotional or physical harm to others."Try as I might, I could make no sense of this statement when taken as a whole.
"When interpreted properly, the First Amendment protects religious freedoms, which include Satanists, Muslims, and Atheists, whether opponents like it or not."Two things to notice here: first, he is the one who knows the proper interpretation of the First Amendment; lucky for us, he tells us what that interpretation is. Second, he demonstrates the incredible self-unawareness that infests the Atheist movement, in this case for demanding tolerance of their war on religions (all of them, but foremost: Christianity). The First Amendment says this:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or abridging the FREE EXERCISE THEREOF;Only a liar would interpret the suppression of religious speech to be supported by the First Amendment. Atheists are NOT FOR the inclusion of all religions in public places; they ARE FOR the suppression of all religions, which results in public Atheism.
Atheists should be allowed, maybe required, to post in public places (a) their empirical, objective, experimental material evidence showing that abiogenesis actually happened and how in terms of cause/effect; (b)their empirical, objective, experimental material evidence that there is no creating agent for the universe; (c) their disciplined, valid, grounded deductive arguments demonstrating that the arguments for theism which they reject are false. And (d) to post their document, "Atheist Principles of Objective Morality, Character Definition and Development", in detail, showing how their moral principles pass the logic tests required for rational concepts... and how their principles differ from totalitarianism and elitist tribalism, (if at all). This would give Atheists and Atheism the public venue they deserve.
Finally, we shall be treated to the author's view of the South:
"All I can say is that when I think of past cultural practices and the South, three examples come to mind, albeit very shameful, dark ones: slavery, paternalism, and the inhumane raping of female African Americans by white males on plantations—in lieu of anti-miscegenation laws. Just because a symbol, song, or slogan once had cultural significance and was popular or accepted among the majority of a culture doesn’t mean that it’s right. And history has provided us with an overabundance of examples proving just that."And here again, there a several things to observe. First, the South is full of the Oppressor Class: (1)slave owners; (2)male supremacists; (3)interracial rapists.
And that justifies the Northern Atheist assault on the South. Northern Atheists are the Messiah Class.
Second, he now claims the Right To Define What is RIGHT and not RIGHT. But only in theory, not in detail; it is his moral authority do so which is in play. Further, he claims history is on his side, presumably because the North is moral, being the Messiah Class and all, and the South is all slave owners, male supremacists and interracial rapists.
This author has demonstrated that he is a bigot; a classist; a North-supremicist; and a liar. All in the defense of Atheism.
I love how he had to work the SJW obsession with "rape culture" into his list of southern sins.
And "paternalism"!? Really? So he ranks paternalism right up there with slavery at the top of the pantheon of history's darkest, most shameful moments. All while utterly ignoring the paternalistic plank in the North's eye.
In Whoopie Goldberg's world what happened on plantations was "rape rape" not like what Roman Polanski did to Samantha Geimer at Jack Nicholson's house. That wasn't "rape rape".
"There is no actual difference between secularism and Atheism; secularism is a wholly subsidiary subset of Atheism: it is a lack of god(s), but applied to the public arena. So it is clearly Atheism forced into the public arena. To argue that this is not the case is false, logically and morally."
This is not the case. Secularism is neutrality from the government in respect to religions. In a secularist state it would be unlawful for the state to promote atheism.
Imagine a state with no atheists, not a single one, but an even spread of the religious. What would be the best political model? A government that stays neutral allowing all to practice their religion freely, or one that requires you to bow to mecca several times a day, or to pray to Mary, or give offering to any other god?
Secularism is to everybody's benefit, and was originally instituted in the US to protect Christians from persecution by other Christians. In trying to bring down the wall of separation and weaken the constitution one simply makes a rod for one's own back. For when an errant religious groups gains power they will use the organs of the state to their advantage. As Christians blindly wish they could do now.
"Davis is upset about plaques in Southern schools...based on no legal grounding or Constitutional grounding whatsoever"
Except of course that bit in the constitution. If this were Muslims attempting to get public spaces or governmental bodies to promote Islam, then these Christians would be up in arms. Completely unaware of their own hypocrisy.
"Only a liar would interpret the suppression of religious speech to be supported by the First Amendment."
I agree. And nowhere us thus suppression happening except in countries without a separation of church and state. Did you hear about those two Christians killed in Pakistan for blasphemy? Is that what you want in the US? Because that's what you're opening the door for. And it will be the religious who you have to fear most.
So let's keep secularism. It keeps us all safe. The religious can keep having their peeing matches over whose god is the truest true god and the atheists can keep mocking them for it, and we're all still free.
In a way, Stan is correct Joe, insisting everything public be sanitized so no atheists or other minority get offended by a mere plaque, is suppressing a form of expression. The FFRF takes mere separation of church and state too far, using uncharitable and dubious reasoning, to attempt to scour any potential reference to religion from public sight.
In this instance, the town erecting a plaque or a memorial including common religious grave markers at a local stadium doesn't constitute establishing Christianity, Judaism or Islam as an official faith, outlawing the practice of other faiths or compelling faith or practice in nonbelievers, it's an artistic expression of gratitude for the fallen and to honor their memory.
Similarly, If a town erects a statue to a local founder, patriot or hero, including religious items such as a Bible, a peace pipe or ceremonial garb in its design, the town need not be seen as necessarily endorsing or promoting the individual's personal faith or philosophy, they are honoring the individual for their contributions be they financial, cultural or political.
The First Amendment, should be interpreted in such a way as to maximize Liberty for the states, the local governments and their individual citizens, and what the FFRF does is encourage a "letter of the law approach" requiring the court to curtail the artistic freedom of the many to placate the easily offended minority, when said minority is no real danger of having their rights trampled by such.
Also your last sentence is strongly suggestive of the uncharitable nature I'm speaking of, it suggests arguments about the Divine only ever amount to mere childish bickering and the mean spirited mockery of those arguments do not. I personally approve of respectful interfaith dialogue, such as that initiated by the Dalai Lama, and other groups such as those listed at
I do wish atheists, particularly self described New Atheists were more inclined to participate in such dialogues in good faith, rather than merely flinging crap at the faithful, as it appears you've done above.
@Talon: Flinging stuff against the wall to see what will stick is a common tactic of those who have no actual grounds for disagreement beyond simply "nuh-uh". Otherwise referred to as spamming, it's also a technique used for attacks on websites.
The fact that this fellow Joe simply could *not* restrain himself from taking a parting shot at the faithful tells me a whole lot more about him than the rest of the text he typed.
Reply to "Joe's World":
”Imagine a state with no atheists, not a single one, but an even spread of the religious. What would be the best political model? A government that stays neutral allowing all to practice their religion freely, or one that requires you to bow to mecca several times a day, or to pray to Mary, or give offering to any other god? “
No one here is pursuing a theocracy. What you are pursuing is an Atheocracy, and you are using the standard narrative for support. It does not work for several reasons, not the least of which is that it is unconstitutional by the very wording of the First Amendment. You are enjoined from interfering with the free practice of religion; the only other injunction is that Congress may not pass laws "respecting the establishment of religion". So all the persecution of businesses, of soldiers, of small towns, of schools, etc. is unconstitutional, and is interfering with the free exercise of religion. You don't care because you are an Atheist and you want a values-free, ethical void for all levels of government and education... except for the totalitarian values of suppression.
It’s interesting that you mention states; in American parlance the states have no restrictions under the Constitution or the First Amendment – only Congress is restricted. Secularist attack as practiced today is invasive to the tiniest atom of government, to counties, cities and school districts. This is not the intent of the founders nor is it constitutional, as you claim below. When all governments are forced to abandon the ethics of the founders for the ethical standards of Atheists (none), chaos will follow, as we have seen in the past decade has invaded our government to the highest levels. There is hard evidence in the form of our lawless government that this is the case.
”Secularism is to everybody's benefit, and was originally instituted in the US to protect Christians from persecution by other Christians.
Secularism is NOT instituted except to enjoin Congress from creating a federal religion. Secularism was never instituted in the manner which the Atheists are rabidly purging all signs of ethical self-discipline from American institutions. What you claim is false.
" In trying to bring down the wall of separation and weaken the constitution one simply makes a rod for one's own back."
That is patently absurd. The rod that is currently beating up this nation is initiated and protected by secularist lack of principled behavior, not by religion.
"For when an errant religious groups gains power they will use the organs of the state to their advantage. As Christians blindly wish they could do now.”
Again fear mongering in support of suppression of ethical principles. And the admission of the hatred and fear of Christians.
Your accusations are acknowledged and your prejudice is noted. You despise the ethics of the founders and the developers of the USA, that is obvious by your insult. You no doubt enjoy the modern chaos and corruption of secular/Atheist government and its many destructive fruits for all but the corrupt classes. I do not. And the Victim classes are starting to wake up to notice exactly who the Oppressor Class consists of.
"Davis is upset about plaques in Southern schools...based on no legal grounding or Constitutional grounding whatsoever"
Except of course that bit in the constitution.
Absolutely false. Read the First Amendment.
If this were Muslims attempting to get public spaces or governmental bodies to promote Islam, then these Christians would be up in arms. Completely unaware of their own hypocrisy.
Absolute intellectual falseness. This has never been an Atheist nation; it has never been an Islamic nation; it has never been a nation without a moral base until the AtheoLeftists took control of the government, the schools, the judiciary. All while claiming the high moral ground, yet destroying all morality in their wake of destruction. If the government is given over to Islam, it will be the AtheoLeftists who do it.
"Only a liar would interpret the suppression of religious speech to be supported by the First Amendment."
I agree. And nowhere us thus suppression happening except in countries without a separation of church and state.
Absolutely false. False suppression against the First Amendment is happening every day, and it is done by your Atheists.
Did you hear about those two Christians killed in Pakistan for blasphemy? Is that what you want in the US? Because that's what you're opening the door for. And it will be the religious who you have to fear most.
Atheist governments have killed more humans than even the Muslims, Christians and Hindus combined. Atheist governments invent their own morals based on the safety for themselves as elites. And that is what you are claiming for yourself - fear for your safety as an elite Atheist.
Yes of course, that is in fact the standard Atheist narrative. It is ubiquitous, and it is false. Fear the religions. Especially Christians, of course. And blame it on the Islamists if necessary (when they are not be assured of their victimhood due to Christians and Jews).
The effect produced by the elimination of principled ethics from government has been perfectly demonstrated and is on view for all to see in US and UK governments today. By persecuting any theist comments, desk objects, or other “atrocities” against “secularism”, the government has become a-theist in exactly the nouveau definition of Atheism which is now being claimed by the very community which rejects everything to do with religion – again specifically the hated Christianity and its ethical artifacts.
In Atheist secularism, new rules are made up, but just for other people, not for the elitists. This includes dictatiing tolerance of everything which the Atheist elitists want, and legalizing intolerance for everything which resembles the nasty old ethics and character development associated with hated religion.
There is no Good or Evil for the elites, but there certainly is for the Other which is punished for intolerance on a daily basis now… in the name of tolerance, of course.
When there is no moral grounding, there also is no intellectual grounding and thus rationality flies out the window even while being claimed by the Atheist elites. This is so obvious, that only those with no ethical grounding would not see it.
”So let's keep secularism. It keeps us all safe."
False again. It keeps the Atheists safe from having any ethics other than what they make up to suit themselves. It represents the persecution of, specifically, Christians, and Atheists are fine with that.
The religious can keep having their peeing matches over whose god is the truest true god and the atheists can keep mocking them for it, and we're all still free.
Your bigotry is acknowledged; your personal Atheism is acknowledged; your desire for safety from ethical principled behavior is acknowledged; and your concept of rational discourse being mockery is acknowledged. Being without actual moral principle or concept of respect, you are not worthy of holding a discussion with.
Joe: "As Christians blindly wish they could do now. ... Christians would be up in arms ... et cetera."
Straw men noted and duly ignored.
"Did you hear about those two Christians killed in Pakistan for blasphemy? Is that what you want in the US? Because that's what you're opening the door for. And it will be the religious who you have to fear most."
Fear mongering and false dichotomies also noted and duly ignored. You sure there's no middle ground in your spectrum -- it's either 100% atheo-secularism or full-blown oppressive theocracy, is it? What an interesting black-and-white world you inhabit. Isn't that a bit -- umm -- fundamentalist of you?
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