Saturday, November 29, 2014

Greta Christina Nukes a Black Atheist Clear Into a New Identity

A Black Atheist On Being Blocked By Greta Christina While Discussing Ferguson

"I’ve always respected Greta Christina immensely as a social justice warrior. I’ve never met her, but I’ve asked her for advice on a couple occasions and have generally liked what she had to say, although I haven’t always been sure about her apparent “my way or the highway” approach to social justice issues. I would like to think I believe in protecting the marginalized, but I also would like to be convinced, because I think that convincing arguments go further than mere shame, oftentimes, in making change happen (shame can be a useful tool, true, but I think convincing arguments need to be made, as well).

So when Greta Christina stated:
"There are some debates I am willing to have. The question of whether police should be able to shoot unarmed black men with their hands in the air, and not even get fucking indicted, is not one of them. If you want to have a calm, civil debate about this, save us all some time and stop following me right now. I don't want to have to say "Go fuck yourself, blocked" to every one of you."

I was a bit taken aback. Blind acceptance was not healthy, I thought -- it would hurt, rather than help, the rational argument that there were other very real, substantiated problems, and make it seem as if those that wanted these problems discussed were irrational ignorers of evidence. So I said something briefly -- and, in spite of the prior statement (and partly because no black individuals from the United States had yet seemed to comment on the situation), I thought there was a chance to make a difference with a relevant statement. I was sorely disappointed:

Christina has had her Messiah Narrative challenged by a designated Victimhood individual, one who thinks that Rush To Judgment based on racial prejudice might not be a good thing. Even if it satisfies the Oppressor Class/Victimhood Class Social Justice Moral needs of the AtheoLeft. That presents an unsolvable paradox for Christina: the Victimhood Class is always morally right no matter what; But this Victimhood Class individual is contradicting her Victimhood Narrative which is also morally right no matter what. The resulting mental collapse which Christina has is inevitable.

Undoubtedly Christina will continue with her demand for Social Justice, meaning that regardless of the situation, the black is always right and the white male is always wrong. And she will shut out of her mental landscape any thought that another black might also be right - that she is wrong.

Because here is the thing about being right: messiahs as a class are always right - always. So if they are challenged, even by a black, the black becomes an Oppressor, automatically. This black had his identity changed in the twinkling of Greta's keypad.


Rikalonius said...

It's like a parody of the Liar's paradox Kirk and Spock played on an android to malfunction in the Star Trek episode Mudd's Women. Maybe we can call it the victim's paradox. When a member of a victim class expresses an idea counter to a Messiah's preconceived notion of what that victim's opinion ought to be. To wit:

You're a victim and everything you say is the right, but you cannot be right because what you say is wrong. Illogical! Illogical!

Steven Satak said...

Greta Christina may heretofore consider herself blocked by me. What a deluded tool.

Phoenix said...

Greta Christina should stick with what she does best:promote promiscuity and abortion.I mean...women's rights.

Fence Burner said...

Please see edit. As the blog writer, I did not put on a new identity...that's a bit of a mischaracterization.

Stan said...

Fence Burner,
That was not the point. Christina, as a self-designated Messiah, removed the identity as a member of the Black Victimhood Group.