Sunday, November 30, 2014

Unified Field Theory of Racism: You're Genetically Racist - So STOP IT!

This article makes the case for genetic racism, which is invisible to everyone but the Victim via his Sociologist. The Victim can tell that you're racist because all that welfare has not made him equal to you. The cause for that effect obviously has only one source, and that is invisible, intangible, undocumentable racism. It's a blanket sort of thing, something like a magnetic field which surrounds whites bringing them good stuff effortlessly, while repelling all the bad stuff over to the poor blacks. It's a force field which only sociologists and their Victimhood Groups can detect. And it's genetically evil of course.

So due to this racist force field, again visible only to saviors of specific minorities, blacks are held back no matter how hard they work, how much higher education they work hard for, how lawfully they interact with local minimarts, and how they do not shoot each other to protect drug turfs.

Except that there are many, many blacks that actually do join the ranks of success that other blacks claim is reserved for whites. How this fits into the Unified Field Theory of Racism: Black Failure to Achieve and General Desperation is unknown. This is because studies all focus just on ghetto Victimhood populations and the government-designed and supported failure populations which have become the Leftist Plantations for the designated perpetual Victimhood groups.

An observation regarding Ferguson and Brown: there has been zero outcry regarding Brown's manhandling of the minority store owner/clerk. This is because the clerk is not of a designated Victimhood Group, and Brown of course, became the worldwide icon of his Victimhood Group. So it is impossible, under Leftist Social Theory, that Brown violated the Civil Rights of another person, even a minority person. One must be of the correct minority in order to have his Civil Rights violated.

This goes back to the Field Theory of Racism, of course. The store owner/clerk was born with the incorrect field polarity since he is not black. Thus he could not under any circumstance accumulate bad things that were done by the racist fields of other people, since the repellant fields are focused on bad things for blacks, only. So his fearful bullying, the trashing and subsequent burning of his business, all that was just something else (undefined by sociologists) and therefore not racism or a Civil Rights violation.

I have long known of the theory that ALL WHITES ARE RACIST(1), but it is only now that I have developed a physical theory for the cause. I think there is a place in history of science for the Unified Field Theory of Racism. I think it could lead to a solution, perhaps wrapping the afflicted minority groups in aluminum foil to deflect the field, and finally allow them to finally reap the rewards of their accomplishments.


1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

"Except that there are many, many blacks that actually do join the ranks of success that other blacks claim is reserved for whites. How this fits into the Unified Field Theory of Racism: Black Failure to Achieve and General Desperation is unknown."

An integral part of the Unified Field Theory (perhaps overlooked by the author) is this:

(1) In order to be authentically "black," the individual must NEVER escape from the plantation, never act "white" and above all, never succeed by adopting "white" success patterns. That kind of stupidity will get you beaten by your "peers" in the 'hood.

(2) Any "black" who does escape from the plantation AUTOMAGICALLY becomes "white." Consequently, those "blacks" (in skin color only) who escape actually are "white," and good riddance to bad rubbish.

(Another mystery is how a man who is genetically half-black and half-white, with ZERO exposure to the authentic "black" plantation experience can, with a straight face, proclaim his bonafides as "black.")

Or, in the risible words of Greta Christina to an inauthentic "black" man who was turned "white" merely and solely by virtue of questioning the prevailing media and Social Justice Warrior narrative on Michael Brown's "suicide by cop":

Go fuck yourself. Blocked.

I love open-minded discussion with open-minded people like Greta!