Michael Brown was a protected Victim Class black. His parents raised him to be entitled, it appears, and they are entitled as well.
We know from security cam footage that Brown was a very large thug, who robbed a convenience store by roughing up and terrorizing the clerk. We know that he was full of marijuana. We know what bystanders report that they saw, which was that Brown attacked the officer in his car. We know the blood spatters are consistent with that. We know that the officer was hit so hard in the head that his brain pan collapsed under the hydraulic force of his brain being compressed by the impact. And we know that none of that matters because Brown was a protected class, entitled Victim Class minority.
The Browns are guilty for raising, defending and denyiing that their thug son was a thug. They are attempting to deflect their own guilt by asserting before a UN Committee, the United Nations Committee Against Torture, that the injured cop be arrested (for not allowing Brown to kill him, apparently). They made demands for "justice", which for the Victim Class means being absolved of any responsibility for their own actions. Michael Brown must be avenged, and the parents have gone straight to the world Messiahs for vengeance.
There is no actual justice in the world of Messiahs and "social justice"; there is hate and vengeance and class persecution of the designated Oppressors. And the Browns have called for just that, a blanket persecution of the entire designated Oppressor Class by the UN. If Michael Brown is found guilty of the attack on the officer, it is a given that the Messiah Class will return to Ferguson to incite the Victim Class to full riot. Evidence doesn't matter; truth doesn't matter. Only vengeance matters, because the Victim Class cannot be other than victims. They have been told that that's who they are.
The Ferguson show has provided a clear-cut example of the operation of the three class system. Two of the classes are parasites on the third class which is the host class, yet is the designated Oppressor Class in the class war. A parasite infected host can either die from attrition and atrophy, or contrarily purge itself of the parasites in order to regain health. In our case attrition and atrophy seem to be the only civilized road, while purging seems to reduce us to the level of the brutes we need rid of. Yet our civilization is compromised to near the point of brutishness, anyway. That's what lawless government does.
The Browns have had their show. The UN has no jurisdiction in Michael's case. So it really is merely a show.
In my opinion, the parents of the officer so damaged by the thug Michael Brown should sue the parents of Michael Brown for having raised a barbarian who was a threat to society, and not containing him. By screaming for justice, they must accept it when it comes.
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